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TRACK model changes

TRACK model

How have you experienced the teachers move from face to face to online learning?
What is the biggest challenge created by the transition ?
How have you managed the challenge?
What are opportunities for instructors , regarding the transition to online learning ?
What have you done to ensure a smooth transition?
As previously mentioned the core of my arguments centre around the TPACK model. Based on the TPACK I propose that the move to online learning must be supported by the instatement of a Professional Development Program.
difference between TRACK model and SAMR model

More on TRACK model and SAMR in this blog

COLL 150 eportfolio

Intro to e-Portfolio
COLL 150, Gail Ruhland
Thursday, October 29, 2020, 12PM

Short link:

Who am I, Plamen Miltenoff:

QR code coll 150 weebly
  1. Why are we here:
    1. What is e-portfolio
      1. An electronic porfolio (e-portfolio) is a purposeful collection of sample student work, demonstrations, and artifacts that showcase student’s learning progression, achievement, and evidence of what students can do. The collection can include essays and papers (text-based), blog, multimedia (recordings of demonstrations, interviews, presentations, etc.), graphic.
      2. a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent your learning. You can include items such as documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, and course work to demonstrate your improvement or mastery in certain areas.
    2. Why is it important
      1. “more than 4 in 5 employers say an electronic portfolio would be useful to them in ensuring that job applicants have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their company or organization.” (Read the entire report online.)
  1. E-portfolio platforms
    1. LinkedIn:
    2. eFolio MN:
    3. BrightSpace D2L e-portfolio:
  1. Weebly
    1. What is Weebly:
      is it a blog platform or web development platform?
    2. Why Weebly:
      it is Internet based (you don’t need to download app) and it is ubiquitously accessible
  2. E-portfolio on Weebly
    1. Edit Website

Weebly main page

  • Create a title
  • Add text
  • Add image
  • Add a divider
  • Add media
  1. Structure of Weebly/eportfolio
    1. examples

how to create merge cube objects


thinglink $300
Sketchfab  $79 monthly $80 x 12 = ~$900
CoSpaces $74.99 per year
Qlone ($29.99)

ready-to-go resources for merge cube:

apps for merge cube:


Merge cube, the basics”

to create merge cube content in, an paid add-on is needed.

Scan object with Qlone, upload as OBJ file ($29.99) and merge cube it with the object uploader app:

More on Merge Cube in this IMS blog

deepfake Putin

Deepfake Putin is here to warn Americans about their self-inflicted doom. AI-generated synthetic media is being used in a political ad campaign—not to disrupt the election, but to save it. from r/technology

They then worked with a deepfake artist who used an open-source algorithm to swap in Putin’s and Kim’s faces. A post-production crew cleaned up the leftover artifacts of the algorithm to make the video look more realistic. All in all the process took only 10 days. Attempting the equivalent with CGI likely would have taken months, the team says. It also could have been prohibitively expensive.

more on deepfake in this IMS blog

digital twin

Consider these 10things that happen on a digital twin virtual reality campus that cannot happen in a real-world, physical campus:

  1. Expand a human organ and step inside it. (Here similar video with Mark Gill in the SCSU CAVE:
  2. Step into a Star Trek-style transporter and beam up to a starship to learn astronomy on a space walk.
  3. Expand the dissectible pig to the size of a school bus and space-walk through the organs and cavities as you learn about anatomy.
  4. View a wooly mammoth skeleton and then step onto a time machine and go back in time 40,000 years to walk among a herd of wooly mammoths.
  5. Travel to the Great Wall of China, stand upon it and learn the history and engineering of this structure — all in the space of one class period.
  6. Select from the world’s greatest paintings and organize an exhibit in a museum — and let every student do this in their own way.
  7. Watch a video about dinosaurs and then watch as the dinosaurs walk out of the screen and into the middle of the classroom.
  8. Learn Spanish language and culture at the Pyramid of the Moon, rather than a four-walled classroom.
  9. Learn molecular biology by expanding molecules to the size of a basketball.
  10. Gain a greater understanding of history by stepping back in time to the Roman Colosseum and touring it as a class just as it stood 2500 years ago.

more on digital worlds in this IMS blog

Hands-on is “goggles-on”

As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), we must be vigilant to keep our classes relevant to the rapidly changing workplace and the emerging digital aspects of life in the 2020s.

deployment of 5G delivery to mobile computing

Certainly, 5G provides a huge upgrade in bandwidth, enabling better streaming of video and gaming. However, it is the low latency of 5G that enables the most powerful potential for distance learning. VR, AR and XR could not smoothly function in the 4G environment because of the lag in images and responses caused by a latency rate of 50 milliseconds (ms). The new 5G technologies drop that latency rate to 5 ms or less, which produces responses and images that our brains perceive as seamlessly instant.

more on the 4IR in this IMS blog

VR anatomy

That was a lot of people in the Stanford lab! Photogrammetry scans of real anatomy for VR education! Done from anywhere in the world! Scale up the models and walk through the body! Get a totally different understanding of a subject! Education is reaching a turning point! I wonder how universities and colleges are going to adapt? Will they be quick enough? Stanford just purchased x70 Oculus VR Quest we just ordered another 350 headsets for a client! Things are going to hot up!

Thanks Again It was awesome! Daniel Dyboski-Bryant Chris Madsen Brian Waterfield Oscar Molnar

#vr #virtualreality #vrtraining #360video #photogrammetry #rivr #youthinkyouknowvr #3d #education Stanford University #stanford

more on VR in nursing in this IMS blog

Thriving Through Fatigue

The Long Road Ahead: Thriving Through Fatigue

The Pandemic is not a financial recession: it is a fast-paced economic transformation. We’re transforming our companies into low-touch, high-safety businesses and we’re doing it a light speed.

We’re hyper-engaged digitally, yet highly stressed emotionally.

The most stressed part of the workforce is now young families, working mothers, and single employees working at home – and despite the online yoga classes and bread-baking videos, people are just tired.

Fatigue Management is what wins or loses wars.

  • Reduce workload by clarifying goals.
  • Create cadence and recovery cycles in the business.
  • CEO-level focus is needed
  • Take time off to rest, walk, and exercise every day. Stand up and walk around.
  • Turn off the TV and stop watching Twitter.
  • Take it slow. Don’t carry to heavy a load: you’ll get more done if you pace yourself over time.
  • If you’re a manager, help show people what “not to do.” Help people find focus, and don’t waste their time.
  • Turn off your Zoom camera and shorten meetings to 15 minutes if you can. Stop every meeting early.
  • Tell your team to take a week off. And don’t email while they’re gone. Things will be fine when they come back, and work will resume better than ever.
  • Be patient with your colleagues, peers, and yourself. People always want to do the best – right now it may just take a little more time.
  • Have some empathy for leadership. They are tired too. Ask them how they’re doing and let them know you care.

free digital tools for students engagement

15 Free Digital Tools to Boost Students’ Engagement Online

A review of digital tools and ideas for teachers to support formative assessment in online classrooms

1. Diigo

2. Evernote

3. Notion


5. Mural

6. Miro

7. Kahoot


9. Factile

10. Wakelet

11. Flipgrid

12. Slack

13. Padlet

14. Zoom

15. BigBlueButton

more on engagement in this IMS blog

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