Archive of ‘educational technology’ category

Nearpod webinar

Free Nearpod webinar

Here are the details for the Nearpod workshop I will be hosting next Thursday, June 4, 2020 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm CST.
I will be doing a presentation-style workshop next Thursday on using Nearpod. You will get the opportunity to participate in the workshop as a student as I model a pull presentation similar to attending a conference session. With that, I am planning to extend the length of the workshop a little to allow time for questions, etc. The session will begin at 10:00 am and last until 12:00 pm.

As always, please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested. Feel free to post on social media as well.

    Thank You!

Niki Bray, Ed.D.
Director of Academic Innovation & Student Success | Clinical Professor School of Health Studies

UofM logoThe University of Memphis
206 Elma Roane Field House
Memphis, TN 38152
901.678.3915 (O)
more on Nearpod in this IMS blog

Assessment tools

Assessment is STEM courses (and how they integrated in LMS:

More on assessment in this IMS blog

remote learning and equity

experts in distance learning warned that it can magnify inequities, with the most able and highly advantaged learners humming along while learners who need more support fall far behind.

ParentsTogether, in its survey of 1,500 of its members across the country, discovered big gaps — both by income levels and between families with and without children in special education. The online survey wasn’t a scientifically weighted sample, but it was geographically, racially and socioeconomically diverse.

more on online education in this IMS blog

Learning analytics adoption in Higher Education

SoLAR Webinar “Learning analytics adoption in Higher Education: Reviewing six years of experience at Open University UK”

presented by Prof. Bart Rienties from the Open University, The United Kingdom.

To register, go to

Time and date: Thursday, Jun 11, 2020, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Central European time

(11:00 AM–12:00 PM Eastern US time, 8:00 AM–9:00 AM Pacific US time, 4:00 PM–5:00 PM London, UK Time)

Location: Zoom (meeting URL provided in the registration email)

more on learning analytics in this IMS blog

virtual exhibitions online classes

a tool that will allow students to collaboratively create an “exhibit” at the end of an online class.

I’m looking for a tool that will allow students to collaboratively create an “exhibit” at the end of an online class. Each student will be responsible for curating a selection of objects (art, photographs, music clips, and text quotes) with short explanations that we’ll put together in an exhibit on our class topic. I’ve thought of various formats—including possibly TimelineJS (I’m a historian)—but I wanted to see if anyone else had experience with this kind of assignment and recommendations of tools. My students have different levels of technology access and literacy, so my priority is simplicity and ease of use. Thank you very much for any suggestions you might have!

more on virtual tours in this IMS blog

the necessity for ed instructional designers

more on instructional design in this IMS blog

SCSU IMS charge in essence

… as offered by this tweet

more on digital literacy in this IMS blog

synchronous online instruction resources


open google doc to start crowd-sourcing tools/activities/strategies for interactive synchronous online instruction

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