One concern that I have is that because information literacy is so identified with librarians, that digital literacy may be seen as outside the purview of librarians when in fact it is a natural pairing.
Two Ways to Explore the News Through Maps
Newspaper Map is a neat tool for locating and reading newspapers from locations all around the world.
Breaking News presents a constant stream of headlines from around the world.
The Un-Fallacy of Balanced Literacy
is a respond to
The Fallacy of ‘Balanced Literacy’
The dispute focus on the administration and its execution in public education.
I think, the dispute is important for educational institutions, libraries in particular, because it reveals the complexity of “traditional” literacy. The same complexity applies no less for other literacies, digital and information ones included.
How Social Media Is Being Used In Education
Here is also an IMS blog entry about the use of Twitter in education:

12 Embarrassing Gadgets And Apps You Should Stop Using
Read more:
Not sure if Google Glass will go into oblivion (but it might, considering that it ALSO tethers with a mobile device as the vanishing Blackberry tablet), but smart phones definitely are taking over.