Archive of ‘flipped classrooms’ category

Обърната Класна Стая

Иновационни стратегии и подходи за подобряване на  педагогическите процеси в училищната организация
Същност и особености на образователните иновации

  • Основни направления на иновационна дейност в образованието
  • Модели за осъществяване на иновационния процес в училище – МОДЕЛИ НА ХИБРИДНО ОБУЧЕНИЕ
  • Обърната класна стая като разновидност на ротационния модел

o   Дефиниция

o   Организация

–       планиране и внедряване

–       оценяване – формативно, обобщаващо

–       процесът на създаване на видео

–       участници и тяхната подготовка

–       отстраняване на проблеми

o   Внедряване -от ОКС към обърнато обучение

  • Въпроси, идеи, пректи, решения

за контакти:
Галин Цоков <>


  • Какво знаете за ОКС?

Интернет търсене:

  • Какво според вас треява да знаем за ОКС?
    Какво според вас трябеа да разберем още за ОКС?

    • Дефиниция
    • Оргаянизация
      • планиране и внедряване
      • оценяване
        • формативно
        • обобщаващо
      • процесът на създаване на видео
      • участници и тяхната подготовка
      • отстраняване на проблеми
    • Понтатъшно внедряване
    • Въпроси, идеи, пректи, решения

за контакти:
Пламен Мклтенов:,

повече материали в класа на ППС Управление на иновациите в образователната система: Class code d53kkz3

flipped classroom achievement gap

more on flipped classroom in this IMS blog

elearning growth based on flipped and mobile learning

Report: Flipped and Mobile Helping to Drive Growing Momentum in E-Learning Content and Courses

By Leila Meyer 11/28/16

According to the report, one of the main reasons for the growth in generic e-learning content and courses is the adoption of teaching and learning methods such as the flipped classroom, blended learning and virtual classrooms

The report identifies the proliferation of mobile devices on campus as the third factor helping to drive adoption of these courses. “The availability of gadgets such as e-book readers, tablets, and laptops, coupled with better and uninterrupted Internet connectivity, has led to a greater penetration of digital classrooms and e-learning products,”

more on elearning in this IMS blog:

alternatives to lecturing

50 Alternatives To Lecturing

Learning Models

1. Self-directed learning

2. Learning through play

3. Scenario-based learning

4. Game-based learning (

5. Project-based learning (

6. Peer-to-Peer instruction

7. School-to-school instruction (using Skype in the classroom, for example)

8. Learning through projects

9. Problem-based learning

10. Challenge-based learning

11. Inquiry-based learning

12. Mobile learning

13. Gamified learning (gamification)

14. Cross-curricular projects (teaching by topic:

15. Reciprocal Teaching

16. “Flipped-class” learning

17. Face-to-Face Driver blended learning

18. Rotation blended learning

19. Flex Blended Learning

20. “Online Lab” blended learning

21. Sync Teaching

23. HyFlex Learning

24. Self-guided MOOC

25. Traditional MOOC

26. Competency-Based Learning

27. Question-based learning

Literacy Strategies

28. Write-Around

29. Four Corners

30. Accountable Talk

31. RAFT Assignments

32. Fishbowl

33. Debate

34. Gallery Walk

35. Text Reduction

36. Concentric Circles

37. Traditional Concept-Mapping (teacher-given strategy–“fishbone” cause-effect analysis, for example)

38. Didactic, Personalized Concept Mapping (student designed and personalized for their knowledge-level and thinking patterns)

39. Mock Trial

40. Non-academic video + “academic” questioning

41. Paideia Seminar (,,

42. Symposium

43. Socratic Seminar (

44. QFT Strategy

45. Concept Attainment

46. Directed Reading Thinking Activity

47. Paragraph Shrinking

48. FRAME Routine

49. Jigsaw Strategy


50. Content-Based Team-Building Activities

51. Learning Simulation

52. Role-Playing

53. Bloom’s Spiral

54. Virtual Field Trip (

55. Physical Field Trip

56. Digital Scavenger Hunt  (

57. Physical Scavenger Hunt



differences between classroom, blended, online and open learning

10 key takeaways about differences between classroom, blended, online and open learning

Tony Bates shares his thoughts on the difference

differences between classroom, blended, online and open learning

Chapter 10 of Tony Bates online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age:

– See more at:

More on F2F, blended/hybrid and online learning in this blog:

Free Flipped Classroom Resources

10 Free Flipped Classroom Resources

Here are some free resources to get your flipped classroom organized.

Content Banks:

1. Crash Course

crash course

2. Eduvision by FlippedLearning Network

Resources to Create Your Own Lessons:

3. Screencast-o-matic

4. PowToon

Hosting Depositories:

5. Screencast

6. TeacherTube

Learning Management Systems (LMS):

7. Lore

8. Sakai

Flipped Schools and Districts to Research:

9. Lake Elmo Elementary in Stillwater, MN

10. Summit Public Schools

Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools

Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools

eduCanon is a free service for creating, assigning, and tracking your students’ progress on flipped lessons. eduCanon allows teachers to build flipped lessons using YouTube and Vimeo videos, create questions about the videos, then assign lessons to their students. Teachers can track the progress of their students within eduCanon.

Teachem is a service that uses the TED Ed model of creating lessons based on video. On Teachem teachers can build courses that are composed of a series of videos hosted on YouTube. Teachers can write questions and comments in “flashcards” that are tied to specific parts of each video and display next to each video. Students can take notes while watching the videos using the Teachem SmartNote system.

Knowmia is a website and a free iPad app for creating, sharing, and viewing video lessons. One of the best features of Knowia is a tool that they call the Assignment Wizard. The Knowmia Assignment Wizard allows teachers to design assignments that their students have to complete after watching a video. Students can check their own Knowmia accounts to see the assignments that their teachers have distributed. To aid teachers in assessing their students, Knowmia offers an automatic scoring option. Knowmia’s automatic scoring function works for multiple choice questions and numeric questions.

bibliography list of peer-reviewed literature on “flipped classroom”

list of peer reviewed literature on “flipped classroom”

Findlay-Thompson, S., & Mombourquette, P. (2013). EVALUATION OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM IN AN UNDERGRADUATE BUSINESS COURSE. Global Conference On Business & Finance Proceedings, 8(2), 138-145.

Davies, R., Dean, D., & Ball, N. (2013). Flipping the classroom and instructional technology integration in a college-level information systems spreadsheet course. Educational Technology

Davies, R., Dean, D., & Ball, N. (2013). Flipping the classroom and instructional technology integration in a college-level information systems spreadsheet course. Educational Technology Research & Development, 61(4), 563-580. doi:10.1007/s11423-013-9305-6

Missildine, K., Fountain, R., Summers, L., & Gosselin, K. (2013). Flipping the Classroom to Improve Student Performance and Satisfaction. Journal Of Nursing Education, 52(10), 597-599. doi:10.3928/01484834-20130919-03

Butt, A. (2014). STUDENT VIEWS ON THE USE OF A FLIPPED CLASSROOM APPROACH: EVIDENCE FROM AUSTRALIA. Business Education & Accreditation, 6(1), 33-43.

Strayer, J. F. (2012). How Learning in an Inverted Classroom Influences Cooperation, Innovation and Task Orientation. Learning Environments Research, 15(2), 171-193.

Critz, C. M., & Knight, D. (2013). Using the Flipped Classroom in Graduate Nursing Education. Nurse Educator, 38(5), 210-213. doi:10.1097/NNE.0b013e3182a0e56a

Herreid, C., & Schiller, N. A. (2013). Case Studies and the Flipped Classroom. Journal Of College Science Teaching, 42(5), 62-66.

Jottings by Saquarrah. (2013). Medical Teacher, 35(6), 532-533.

Brunsell, E., & Horejsi, M. (2013). Science 2.0. Science Teacher, 80(2), 8.


Flipped Classrooms’ may not have any impact on learning

‘#FlippedClassrooms’ may not have any impact on learning – See more at:

Students reported in anonymous surveys that they either loved or hated the new model, and some said they felt the flipped classroom had a heavier workload since it required students to set aside time to watch the lengthy lecture videos.

Professors, too, had to spend considerably more time making and editing the videos and crafting engaging, hands-on sessions for their classes, she says.

Given these drawbacks, the fact that the actual learning outcomes seemed unaffected by the switch suggested that it might not be worth the hassle, Lape says.

mobile technology, badges, flipped classrooms, and learning analytics according to Bryan Alexander

Very short video of Bryan Alexander, senior fellow at the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education, discussing the issues and opportunities facing mobile technology, badges, flipped classrooms, and learning analytics: