Archive of ‘online learning’ category

anonymous discussion board

Does anyone know of an on-line tool where I can set up an entirely anonymous discussion board? My university uses Canvas and, apparently, this isn’t an option within Canvas discussion boards. I am looking for something that doesn’t require students to pay in order to participate


more on discussion boards in this IMS blog

LMS market acceleration

Chart of new LMS implementations per year in US and Canadian K-12 districts, dropping from peak in 2015 but accelerating in 2020.

  • UCLA is completing its LMS evaluation and migration plans, moving from Moodle to Canvas;
  • SUNY has released its RFP for a systemwide LMS;
  • CUNY is doing an LMS evaluation in preparation for its contract end date in 2021;
  • Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) is in the final contract stage of its systemwide LMS decision – expect a separate blog post on this one later this fall;
  • NYU is moving from Sakai to D2L Brightspace; and
  • Texas A&M and several CalState campuses are moving to Canvas.

more on LMS in this IMS blog

free digital tools for students engagement

15 Free Digital Tools to Boost Students’ Engagement Online

A review of digital tools and ideas for teachers to support formative assessment in online classrooms

1. Diigo

2. Evernote

3. Notion


5. Mural

6. Miro

7. Kahoot


9. Factile

10. Wakelet

11. Flipgrid

12. Slack

13. Padlet

14. Zoom

15. BigBlueButton

more on engagement in this IMS blog

against cameras on

how to increase engagement without relying on “cameras on” and asks instructors to be open to different “shapes” of what engagement can look like: “Many teachers have a shape that they think attention and engagement look like, and they work very hard to get students into that shape.” She also has written about forcing students to turn on their cameras from a trauma-informed perspective.

more on online teaching in this IMS blog

ice breakers for online classes

Janine Harrison You could also substitute an ice breaker with an introduction that could be both personal and relate to your subject and require a minimum of two participation posts. If students don’t know one another, they can find commonalities that way.

Jorge Ribeiro I ask them to tell us their superpower(s) & kryptonite noting that they can be anything. Superpowers have been: baking bread, doing push-ups daily, Crystal Quest, etc. Kryptonite: math, writing an essay, spinach

SJ Guo online scavenger hunt

Ed Heaberlin Ask them to discuss
1). The movie they were most disappointed by
2) the movie that they most often recommend
3) their favorite food
4) a food they hate
5) their most embarrassing moment
6) their dream vacation
7) if they could throw a dinner with any five famous people (living, dead, or both)who would it be n why

Diana Anson Using the Discussion Board I have each student introduce themselves to the class. I make the first post introducing myself. I usually include a picture of my dogs. This gives everyone a example of what is expected. Many really good ideas for questions are included already posted here. I also assign points for following the instructions. Points are a great motivation .

Traci Schneider Cull Favorite cartoon.. what superhero power would you have and why? If you could only eat 5 foods forever what would they be… would you rather go without technology for a yr or all sweets and desserts for a year…would you give up your tech for a year or your pet

Britt Rodgers Bugby Have them choose an emoji to represent themselves and explain why…and it can’t be 💩

Sharon Kibbe You can have them select a song that they would “enter a room/party to” and have them play it at the start of their introduction


more on ice breakers in this IMS blog

research in/about VR

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM (CDT)

This event will be an expert panel considering research in/about VR. The experts in the panel are; Sam Reno, Géraldine Perriguey, Anthony Chaston PhD and Evelien Ydo who all have presented for the research track before (biographies below, see the EDVR YouTube channel for their previous presentations). The event will be highly interactive, where the audience is welcomed to introduce topics and questions for the panel to discuss. At the end of the event there will be some time to network as well.

The Educators in VR Research Team features researchers from across the spectrum of VR/AR/XR research and development, coming together to share their knowledge, techniques, and research and learn from each other. Join us to discuss the possibilities and potential of research in VR. We host regular meetups and workshops for discussion and learning.

online classes faculty teaching

Switching to online classes creates severe time pressures for university and college teachers

David Westwood

Most students do not want an online education, and many are calling for reductions in tuition fees to compensate for what they perceive might be a lower-quality education and experience. Some might choose to wait for a return to on-campus delivery.

Most professors do not want to teach in an online environment because they value engaging with students in discussions, debates, and laboratory demonstrations. There are many good pedagogical reasons why most post-secondary education continues to take place in a face-to-face, on-campus delivery mode despite the longstanding availability of technology to support online teaching.

Professor and student preferences aside, there is a more pressing problem looming.

There is precious little time for professors to change all of their courses to an online mode of delivery.

Nova Scotia Universities and Colleges need a significant and urgent infusion of funding from the provincial government to cover the increased costs of converting post-secondary education into an entirely different mode of operation over the next three months. Universities cannot be expected to cover those costs alone, and neither should students.

more on online teaching in this IMS blog

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