Searching for "instruction"

hours per week for students studies

Discussion at faculty Facebook group regarding the syllabus directions for students’ work in online class:

how many hours of regular student work do you think is appropriate to expect from students for an online course of this nature? The class would normally have 3 hours of in-class instruction.


Zoom Breakout Room Considerations

Zoom Features Breakout Room Considerations

  1. Determine if a breakout room activity will be the most effective use of your live session time given the purposes of the course and the learning styles of the students in your section.
  2. Consider the amount and size of the breakout groups. For most breakout activities, we recommend that you have 2-5 students in each group to ensure everyone has the opportunity to contribute. Depending on the number of key concepts and size of your live session, it may make sense to have more than 1 group doing the same activity.
  3. Providing instructions to students is important for a successful breakout session. There are several different instruction delivery methods.

see more using the link above

more on zoom in this IMS blog

academia and pandemic

Faculty Members Fear Pandemic Will Weaken Their Ranks

APRIL 09, 2020

Covid-19 is being described as both a crisis and an opportunity for higher education. But how “opportunity” is defined depends on where one stands in the academic hierarchy. While some hope the pandemic provides a chance to reverse troubling trends toward the adjunctification and casualization of academic labor, administrators may see it as a different sort of opportunity, to realign institutional priorities or exert greater authority over their faculties.

statement by the Tenure for the Common Good group offers 20 recommendations for administrators, including that they “resist using the current crisis as an opportunity to exploit contingency further by hiring more contingent faculty into precarious positions.”

As faculty members are asked to take on greater teaching, advising, and administrative responsibilities, faculty development and retention “will be more important to institutional resilience — survival — than ever before,” Kiernan Mathews, executive director and principal investigator of the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education, wrote on Twitter.

To DePaola, the pandemic doesn’t pose new problems to academe as much as it magnifies existing ones. “Everything was held together with gum and paper clips, and coronavirus came and just sort of knocked it all down at once,” DePaola said. “I think none of the crises that this virus is causing are new. They’re just accelerated greatly. And the contradictions of the system are heightened all at once for people to see.”

The Small World Network of College Classes: Implications for Epidemic Spread on a University Campus


Beginning in March 2020, many universities shifted to on-line instruction to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, and many now face the difficult decision of whether and how to resume in-person instruction. This article uses complete transcript data from a medium-sized residential American university to map the two-node network that connects students and classes through course enrollments. We show that the enrollment networks of the university and its liberal arts college are “small-world” networks, characterized by high clustering and short average path lengths. In both networks, at least 98% of students are in the main component, and most students can reach each other in two steps. Removing very large courses slightly elongates path lengths, but does not disconnect these networks or eliminate all alternative paths between students. Although students from different majors tend to be clustered together, gateway courses and distributional requirements create cross-major integration. We close by discussing the implications of course networks for understanding potential epidemic spread of infection on university campuses.


prepare for online fall semester

6 Steps to Prepare for an Online Fall Semester

APRIL 08, 2020

Here are some steps colleges should take to help prepare for fall 2020 and beyond:

  • Survey students now to find out how many would decline to participate in an online-only fall 2020 academic term.
  • Rethink large lecture courses if fall instruction is online.
  • Leverage teaching resources and expertise across colleges.
  • Plan for a multiyear impact.
  • Be transparent and engage the student and family communities.
  • When it comes to equity, walk the walk.

more on online learning in this IMS blog

questions about online education

One of the most frequently and persistently asked questions about online education is “does it work” or “is it effective.”
The question is meaningless because there cannot be any definitive answer for a number of reasons.

First, online education (and its variants such a online instruction, online teaching, distance education and distance learning) is a big umbrella that covers a wide array of different practices, which vary a great deal in terms of quality. Comparing the effectiveness of online education with face-to-face education has been the most common research approach to examine the effectiveness of online education. And the answer has been, for a long time, that there is no significant difference between the two. This answer, however, does not mean online is effective or not, it simply means there are plenty of effective and ineffective programs in both online and face-to-face education. In other words, the within variation is larger than the between variation.

Second, another reason that there cannot be a definitive answer to this question is the diversity of stakeholders in online education.
And unfortunately what works for one stakeholder may not work for the others.

Third, even within the same program and with only students as the stakeholder, there cannot be a definitive answer because no program can possibly have the same effects on all students equally.

Fourth, yet another reason that the question cannot have a definitive answer is the multiplicity of outcomes. Education outcomes include more than what has been typically measured by grades or tests.

Fifth, the rapid changes in technology that can be used to deliver online education add to the elusiveness of a definitive answer to the question. While pedagogy, design, and human actors certainly paly a significant role in the experiences of online education, so does technology.

more on online education in this IMS blog

Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning

The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning


Moving instruction online can enable the flexibility of teaching and learning anywhere, anytime, but the speed with which this move to online instruction is expected to happen is unprecedented and staggering.

“Online learning” will become a politicized term that can take on any number of meanings depending on the argument someone wants to advance.

Online learning carries a stigma of being lower quality than face-to-face learning, despite research showing otherwise. These hurried moves online by so many institutions at once could seal the perception of online learning as a weak option

Researchers in educational technology, specifically in the subdiscipline of online and distance learning, have carefully defined terms over the years to distinguish between the highly variable design solutions that have been developed and implemented: distance learning, distributed learning, blended learning, online learning, mobile learning, and others. Yet an understanding of the important differences has mostly not diffused beyond the insular world of educational technology and instructional design researchers and professionals.

Online learning design options (moderating variables)

  • Modality
    • Fully online
    • Blended (over 50% online)
    • Blended (25–50% online)
    • Web-enabled F2F


    • Self-paced (open entry, open exit)
    • Class-paced
    • Class-paced with some self-paced

    Student-Instructor Ratio

    • < 35 to 1
    • 36–99 to 1
    • 100–999 to 1
    • > 1,000 to 1


    • Expository
    • Practice
    • Exploratory
    • Collaborative

    Role of Online Assessments

    • Determine if student is ready for new content
    • Tell system how to support the student (adaptive instruction)
    • Provide student or teacher with information about learning state
    • Input to grade
    • Identify students at risk of failure
  • Instructor Role Online
    • Active instruction online
    • Small presence online
    • None

    Student Role Online

    • Listen or read
    • Complete problems or answer questions
    • Explore simulation and resources
    • Collaborate with peers

    Online Communication Synchrony

    • Asynchronous only
    • Synchronous only
    • Some blend of both

    Source of Feedback

    • Automated
    • Teacher
    • Peers
Source: Content adapted from Barbara Means, Marianne Bakia, and Robert Murphy, Learning Online: What Research Tells Us about Whether, When and How (New York: Routledge, 2014).
Typical planning, preparation, and development time for a fully online university course is six to nine months before the course is delivered. Faculty are usually more comfortable teaching online by the second or third iteration of their online courses.
In contrast to experiences that are planned from the beginning and designed to be online, emergency remote teaching (ERT) is a temporary shift of instructional delivery to an alternate delivery mode due to crisis circumstances. It involves the use of fully remote teaching solutions for instruction or education that would otherwise be delivered face-to-face or as blended or hybrid courses and that will return to that format once the crisis or emergency has abated.
A full-course development project can take months when done properly. The need to “just get it online” is in direct contradiction to the time and effort normally dedicated to developing a quality course. Online courses created in this way should not be mistaken for long-term solutions but accepted as a temporary solution to an immediate problem.

More on online learning in this IMS blog

IM 690 lab ASVR

IM 690 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. short link:

IM 690 lab plan for March 31, online:  Virtual Worlds

If at any point you are lost in the virtual worlds, please consider talking/chatting using our IM 690 zoom link: or call 320 308 3072

Currently, if you go to the SCSU online dbases
,if they are working at all, don’t be surprised when clicking on EBSCOhost Business Source Complete to see this msg:

library error msg

and if you execute a search:
“AltSpaceVR” + “education”, you will find only meager 1+ results.
Google Scholar, naturally, will yield much greater number.
So, search and find an article of your interest using Google Scholar. I used “immersive learning” + “education” for my search.
I chose to read this article:
since it addressed design principles when applying mixed reality in education.
What article did you find/choose/read/are ready to share your analysis with?

Tuesday, March 31, 5PM lab

  1. As usually, we will meet at this Zoom link:
    All of us will be online and we will meet in the Zoom room.
    Please come 10 min earlier, so we can check our equipment and make sure everything works. Since we will be exploring online virtual worlds, please be prepared for technical issues, especially with microphones.
  2. For this lab, please download and install on your computers the AltSpaceVR  (ASVR) software:
    Please consider the impediment that Microsoft has made the 2D mode for PC available only for Windows. If you are a Mac user and don’t have PC available at home, please contact me directly for help.
    In addition, pls have a link to the video tutorial;
    pls be informed about MediaSpace issues of the last two weeks, which can result in poor rendering of the video. If issues persist and you still need help downloading and installing the software, contact me directly for help.
    Please do your best to have ASVR installed on your computer before the lab starts on Tues, March 31, 5PM, so we can use our time during the lab for much more fun activities!
  3. Intro to ASVR.
    Please watch this 5 min video anytime you feel a bit lost in ASVR

    pls consider the issues with MediaSpace and be patient, if the video renders and/or does not play right away. The video is meant to help you learn how to navigate your avatar in ASVR.
    the first 15-20 min in the lab, we will “meet” in ASVR, figure out how to work on our ASVR avatar, how to use the computer keyboard to move, communicate and have basic dexterity. We must learn to “make friends” with Mark Gill (ASVR name: MarkGill47), Dr. Park (ASVR name: dhk3600) and Dr. Miltenoff (ASVR name: Plamen), as well as with your class peers, who will be sharing their ASVR contact info in the Zoom Chat session. Once we learn this skills, we are ready to explore ASVR.
    Mark Gill will “lead” us through several virtual worlds, which you will observe and assess from the point of view of an Instructional Designer and an educator (e.g. how these worlds can accommodate learning; what type of teaching do these virtual worlds offer, etc.)
    Eventually, Mark Gill will bring us to the SCSU COSE space, created by him, where he will leave us to discuss.
  4. Discussion in the COSE ASVR room
    We will start our discussion with you sharing your analysis of the article you found in Google Scholar for today’s class (see above Readings). How do your findings from the article match your impressions from the tour across virtual worlds in ASVR? How does learning happen?
  5. Other platforms for immersive learning
    Following the discussions around your articles, we also will briefly touch on other platforms for immersive learning:
  6. Final projects
    the rest of the time in the lab will be allocated for work on your final projects.
    Dr. Park and Dr. Miltenoff will work individually with your groups to assist with ideas, questions regarding your projects,

Plamen Miltenoff, Ph.D., MLIS
schedule a meeting:
find my office:

more on IM 690 labs in this IMS blog

K12 project based learning literature

Literature on project based learning for K 12

Keywords | search strategy:
project-based learning, kindergarten to high school, online leaching ? Online learning? Methodology? Online platforms.

старо но точно по темата:
Cathy Cavanaugh, & Kara Dawson. (2010). Design of Online Professional Development in Science Content and Pedagogy: A Pilot Study in Florida. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19(5), 438–446.

flipped classroom зависи от културни особености. това изследване може да важи за Щатите, но не за България:
Raffaghelli, J. (2017). Does Flipped Classroom work? Critical analysis of empirical evidences on its effectiveness for learning. Form@re : Open Journal Per La Formazione in Rete, 17(3).

изследване от Турция
Şahin, S., & Baturay, M. (2016). The effect of 5E-learning model supported with WebQuest media on students’ achievement and satisfaction. E-Learning and Digital Media, 13(3-4), 158–175.

изследване от Гърция|
Georgios FESSAKIS, & Stavroula PRANTSOUDI. (2019). Computer Science Teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs and Attitudes on Computational Thinking in Greece. Informatics in Education, 18(2), 227–258.

Lee, D., Huh, Y., Lin, C., & Reigeluth, C. (2018). Technology functions for personalized learning in learner-centered schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1269–1302.

Brookes, T. (2017). Design challenges: Connecting the classroom to the real world. Teaching Science, 63(4), 16–19. Retrieved from

училищен библиотекар да работи с преподавател над учебен план много трудно ще стане в съврменна България, но не е невъзможно:
Boyer, B. (2015). Designer Librarian: Embedded in K12 Online Learning. 59(3), 71–76.
Educause прогнозира нарастваща роля на instructional designer при съставянето на учебни планове: e.g.;;;

Lindsey M Swagerty, & Tara Hodge. (2019). fostering creativity and curiosity: developing safer elementary STEM learning spaces. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 78(8), 20–23. Retrieved from

Tandra L. Tyler-Wood, Deborah Cockerham, & Karen R. Johnson. (2018). Implementing new technologies in a middle school curriculum: a rural perspective. Smart Learning Environments, 5(1), 1–16.

Justin Weidman, & Geoffrey Wright. (2019). promoting construction education in K-12 by using an experiential, student-centered, STEM-infused construction unit. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 79(1), 8–12. Retrieved from

това е за твоя офис за професионално ориентиране:
Destinations Career Academies Offer Support to Schools, Families Disrupted by Coronavirus (p. 68–). (2020). NewsRX LLC.

Schachter, R. (2013). Project-based learning 2.0: technology pushes PBL into fifth gear in K12. 49(12), 60–.

Lee, D., Huh, Y., Lin, C., & Reigeluth, C. (2018). Technology functions for personalized learning in learner-centered schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1269–1302.

From ResearchGate:

Ching, Y.-H., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2011). Incorporating peer feedback for learning in a project-based online learning environment. ResearchGate.

D’amico, G., & Amissah, P. (2019). Advantages and Challenges of Online Project Based Learning. ResearchGate.
Dewi, U., & Kristanto, A. (2019). Development of Online Project Based Learning Models. ResearchGate.
Handoyono, N. A., & Rabiman, R. (n.d.). (PDF) Improvement of Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes by Applying The Problem Based-Learning Method. ResearchGate. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from
Kerr, S. (2009). Project based learning online: A case study in a project based online high school. ResearchGate.
Kurubacak, G. (2004). Sharing Power and Culture Through Project-Based Online Learning (PBOL): Designing Online Knowledge Based on Multicultural Education. ResearchGate.
Kurubacak, G. (2007). Promoting Self-Motivated Learning Through Project Based Online Learning. ResearchGate.
Otieno, F. (2019). Developing a Cohesive Active Learning Approach by Integrating Theoretical Case Studies and Practical Problem-Based Learning Principles. ResearchGate.
Tran, T. Q., & Ngoc Tu, T. P. (2019). (PDF) The Important Roles of Project-Based Learning in Teaching English to High School Students. ResearchGate.
Zakaria, A., Salleh, A., Ismail, Mohd. S., & Ghavifekr, S. (2019). (PDF) Cultivating Positive Values via Online Project-Based Module (m-PAT). ResearchGate.

VIA (very important article):
McDougall, J., Readman, M., & Wilkinson, P. (2018). The uses of (digital) literacy. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(3), 263–279.

remote class

Remote teaching literature:
breaking up synchronous sessions with hands-on. This requires strong skills for virtual presenting. A nice little simple book on this:
Koegel, T. (2010). The exceptional presenter goes virtual (1st ed.). Austin, Tex: Greenleaf Book Group Press.
The book, unfortunately, is available through ILL and ILL is suspended.
about analytics and the length of attention is evidence-based findings from a paper by Guo on giant Moocs.
This Black Swan event means we are doing something in a few weeks it should take five months to complete. Call it “Remote Teaching” Nice resources:
by Jeremy Kemp <jwkemp@SCU.EDU> from the Educause Blended Learning


Keep Teaching During Campus Emergencies

IM 690 VR and AR lab part 2

IM 690 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. short link:

IM 690 lab plan for March 3, MC 205:  Oculus Go and Quest


  1. TAM:Technology Acceptances Model
    Read Venkatesh, and Davis and sum up the importance of their model for instructional designers working with VR technologies and creating materials for users of VR technologies.
  2. UTAUT: using the theory to learn well with VR and to design good acceptance model for endusers:
    Watch both parts of Victoria Bolotina presentation at the Global VR conference. How is she applying UTAUT for her research?
    Read Bracq et al (2019); how do they apply UTAUT for their VR nursing training?

Lab work (continue):

revision from last week:
How to shoot and edit 360 videos: Ben Claremont

  1. Oculus Quest as VR advanced level
    1. Using the controllers
    2. Confirm Guardian
    3. Using the menu

Oculus Quest main

    1. Watching 360 video in YouTube
      1. Switch between 2D and 360 VR
        1. Play a game



View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Beat Saber (@beatsaber)

Practice interactivity (space station)

    1. Broadcast your experience (Facebook Live)
  1. Additional (advanced) features of Oculus Quest

Interactivity: communication and working collaboratively with Altspace VR

setting up your avatar

joining a space and collaborating and communicating with other users

  1. Assignment: Group work
    1. Find one F2F and one online peer to form a group.
      Based on the questions/directions before you started watching the videos:
      – Does this particular technology fit in the instructional design (ID) frames and theories covered
      – how does this particular technology fit in the instructional design (ID) frames and theories covered so far?
      – what models and ideas from the videos you will see seem possible to be replicated by you?
      exchange thoughts with your peers and make a plan to create similar educational product
    2. Post your writing in the following D2L Discussions thread
  2. Augmented Reality with Hololens Watch videos at computer station)
    1. Start and turn off; go through menu
    2. Learn gestures, voice commands,
  1. Augmented Reality with Merge Cube
    1. 3D apps and software packages and their compatibility with AR
  2. Augmented Reality with telephone
  3. Samsung Gear 360 video camera
    1. If all other goggles and devices are busy, please feel welcome to use the camera to practice and/or work toward your final project
    2. CIM card and data transfer – does your phone have a CIM card compatible with the camera?
    3. Upload 360 images and videos on your YouTube and FB accounts
  4. Issues with XR
    1. Ethics
      1. empathy
        Peter Rubin “Future Presence”


Enhance your XR instructional Design with other tools: (free learning of frame) WebxR technology

Plamen Miltenoff, Ph.D., MLIS
schedule a meeting:
find my office:

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