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HyFlex and virtual models ensure equity

  1. Faculty training plays a critical role in HyFlex learning and equity
  2. Online and HyFlex options that started with the pandemic are helping ensure equity
    lecture capture
    get training and to learn from each other
  3. Engagement remains critical, whether in person or in a HyFlex model
    how they’re going to teach remote students, but also students in the class, at the same time,


Gamification as Design Thinking

Hung, A. C. Y. (2018). Gamification as Design Thinking. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30(3), 1812–9129.
By reflecting-in-action,  the practitioner is able to gain metacognitive awareness  and perceive his/her intuitions and biases, test  hypotheses, and take on new perspectives. The  approach of having students learn by designing their  own games combines design thinking and game-based  learning (Kafai, 1995, 2006; Li, Lemieuz,  Vandermeiden, & Nathoo, 2013). Design thinking also  supports new forms of literacies brought on by new  media technologies as well as game-based learning.

It is likely that the effects of gamification cannot  easily be measured satisfactorily through surveys of  motivation, engagement, attendance, or grades because  there are too many variables that could affect how students  respond. Critics of gamification argue that it over

simplifies complex problems (Bogost, 2015; Robertson,  2010). However, both gamification and design thinking  are approaches to problem-solving. With design thinking,  gamification may be used in more meaningful ways  because design thinking offers a different lens through  which to conceptualize the problem.

Digital Native Means Digitally Literate?

Think Digital Native Means Digitally Literate? Think Again.

By Nadia Tamez-Robledo     Oct 21, 2021

students do have digital skills, but not necessarily the digital literacy they need to do their schoolwork.

There’s a difference in the way students use a device to scroll through YouTube videos versus understanding the information delivered in a lesson. The first is passive, and the other requires careful engagement.

n the International Literacy Association’s “What’s Hot in Literacy” report published in 2020, 49 percent of literacy professionals said they wanted more professional development on “using digital resources to support literacy instruction.” That surprised the researchers, who also reported that professionals were split over whether digital literacy was receiving the appropriate amount of attention: 26 percent felt it deserved less attention, while 25 percent felt it should get more.

More on digital he need to find his blog

Edtech going global

The Next Wave of Edtech Will Be Very, Very Big — and Global

India’s Byju’s

Few companies have tackled the full range of learners since the days when Pearson was touted as the world’s largest learning company. Those that do, however, are increasingly huge (like PowerSchool, which had an IPO this week) and work across international borders.

Chinese education giants, including TAL and New Oriental.

The meteoric rise of Chinese edtech companies has dimmed recently as the Chinese government shifted regulations around online tutoring, in an effort to “protect students’ right to rest, improve the quality of school education and reduce the burden on parents.”

Acquisitions and partnerships are a cornerstone of Byju’s early learning programs: It bought Palo Alto-based Osmo in 2019, which combines digital learning with manipulatives, an approach the companies call “phygital.” For instance: Using a tablet’s camera and Osmo’s artificial intelligence software, the system tracks what a child is doing on a (physical) worksheet and responds accordingly to right and wrong answers. “It’s almost like having a teacher looking over you,
My note: this can be come disastrous when combined with the China’s “social credit” system.

By contrast, Byju’s FutureSchool (launched in the U.S. this past spring) aims to offer one-to-one tutoring sessions starting with coding (based in part on WhiteHat Jr., which it acquired in August 2020) and eventually including music, fine arts and English to students in the U.S., Brazil, the U.K., Indonesia and others. The company has recruited 11,000 teachers in India to staff the sessions

In mid-July, Byju’s bought California-based reading platform Epic for $500 million. That product opens up a path for Byju’s to schools. Epic offers a digital library of more than 40,000 books for students ages 12 and under. Consumers pay about $80 a year for the library. It’s free to schools. Epic says that more than 1 million teachers in 90 percent of U.S. elementary schools have signed up for accounts.

That raises provocative questions for U.S. educators. Among them:

  • How will products originally developed for the consumer market fit the needs of schools, particularly those that serve disadvantaged students?
  • Will there be more development dollars poured into products that appeal to consumers—and less into products that consumers typically skip (say, middle school civics or history curriculum?)
  • How much of an investment will giants such as Byju’s put into researching the effectiveness of its products? In the past most consumers have been less concerned than professional educators about the “research” behind the learning products they buy. Currently Gokulnath says the company most closely tracks metrics such as “engagement” (how much time students spend on the product) and “renewals” (how many customers reup after a year’s use of the product.)
  • How will products designed for home users influence parents considering whether to continue to school at home in the wake of viral pandemics?

AI use in education

EDUCAUSE QuickPoll Results: Artificial Intelligence Use in Higher Education

D. Christopher Brooks” Friday, June 11, 2021

AI is being used to monitor students and their work. The most prominent uses of AI in higher education are attached to applications designed to protect or preserve academic integrity through the use of plagiarism-detection software (60%) and proctoring applications (42%) (see figure 1).

The chatbots are coming! A sizable percentage (36%) of respondents reported that chatbots and digital assistants are in use at least somewhat on their campuses, with another 17% reporting that their institutions are in the planning, piloting, and initial stages of use (see figure 2). The use of chatbots in higher education by admissions, student affairs, career services, and other student success and support units is not entirely new, but the pandemic has likely contributed to an increase in their use as they help students get efficient, relevant, and correct answers to their questions without long waits.Footnote10 Chatbots may also liberate staff from repeatedly responding to the same questions and reduce errors by deploying updates immediately and universally.

AI is being used for student success tools such as identifying students who are at-risk academically (22%) and sending early academic warnings (16%); another 14% reported that their institutions are in the stage of planning, piloting, and initial usage of AI for these tasks.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents said that ineffective data management and integration (72%) and insufficient technical expertise (71%) present at least a moderate challenge to AI implementation. Financial concerns (67%) and immature data governance (66%) also pose challenges. Insufficient leadership support (56%) is a foundational challenge that is related to each of the previous listed challenges in this group.

Current use of AI

  • Chatbots for informational and technical support, HR benefits questions, parking questions, service desk questions, and student tutoring
  • Research applications, conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and data science research (my italics)
  • Library services (my italics)
  • Recruitment of prospective students
  • Providing individual instructional material pathways, assessment feedback, and adaptive learning software
  • Proctoring and plagiarism detection
  • Student engagement support and nudging, monitoring well-being, and predicting likelihood of disengaging the institution
  • Detection of network attacks
  • Recommender systems

more on AI in education in this IMS blog

gamification and online teaching

Study: Gamification Techniques Can Improve Online Teaching

A new study out of MIT‘s Sloan School of Management explores the use of ideas and tools from the gaming community to improve online teaching and student learning outcomes.

four key elements for maximizing student engagement in online learning:

  • Narrative — a specific storyline or overarching theme. For instance, study co-author Brian Stevens, senior lecturer at the University of Tennessee‘s Haslam College of Business, created a video game theme for his statistics class, incorporating “Boss Battles,” “Speed Runs” and wacky characters to spice up his lectures.
  • Continuous flow of action in sight and sound, even before class starts. For example, Lo uses a countdown timer and upbeat music on his course page about 30 minutes before the start of a synchronous lecture, to build anticipation for class. He also switches tasks and/or scenes every 15 minutes to help maintain students’ attention and interest levels.
  • Opportunities for two-way communication. To help turn students from viewers into participants, Lo uses a combination of the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom, polls, breakout sessions, surveys and the chat window.
  • High production quality. Lo built a home studio with various input devices, professional lighting, a green screen and more to create richer, more engaging presentations for students.

The full study, “The World of EdCraft: Challenges and Opportunities in Synchronous Online Teaching,” is openly available online

serious gamers and gamification experts on that panel. More here on the initiative:

more on gamification in this IMS blog

Copyright Basics for Academia

“CCC Webinar – Copyright Basics for Academia”
Date Time: Mar 4, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

CopyRight Clearance Center

John Savage, not a legal advise, this is a seminar. Client Engagement Manager. License agreements, additional solutions

  • content use today

the velocity of content sharing is on the rise. an average of 9 per week. sharing not only internal, but external sources.

CCC, founded 1978, non profit, reproduction rights organziation, like many other countries (Japan has 3). started as a licensing organization. navigate vast amount of data, make informed decisions. 16.5% possibility for unlicensed sharing of info.
THe COVID situation increased further content sharing.

methods for sharing content are shifting. email remains the preferred method of sharing. Intranet posting remains. MS Teams, Google Meet, Slack and other collaboration tools

  • US copyright basics

purpose of copyright. US Constitution, Article 1, Section B
To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times…”

US copyright law protects the rights of authors of “original works of authorship”

106 exclusive rights of the rights holder. 5 exclusive rights: reproduction; distribution of copies ; create a derivative work; perform publicly; display publicly.

After 1978 (70 years rule, after author’s death), the author has copyrights
Works for hire, anonymous, 95 years from publication, 120 years

public domain: works of the US federal government when used in the US.
works published before 1926; from 1926 to 1963 failed to register or renew copyright registration; prior to 1989 and failed to include copyright notice

OER: logistical nightmare; open doesn’t always mean free; fair use may not apply; copyright permissions may be difficult and expensive

copyright registration : creates a searchable public record; required to sue for infringement
copyright notice: not required but recommended; copyright registration not required to display the copyright symbol (since 1989).

attribution: not a substitute for permission

public domain: does not mean “publicly available”

copyright infringement

  • limitations and exceptions

US Code Title 17, Chapter 1 # 101 #107 3108 #109 #110 #122

Fair Use: it is a legal defense. attempt to balance rights of
4 Fair Use factors considered by courts. it can be slippery slope

#110(1) performance and display in the classroom. in a F2F classroom, copies to help students is allowed. in the course of teaching activities. for non profit ed institutions
#110(2) for online distance education TEACH Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002

#108 reproduction by libraries and archives. exemptions ILL and coped for patrons. Digital copies for library’s own use . for preservation and replacement. No more then a single copy per patron. also limitations on types of materials.

  • strategies for success

annual copyright license
campus-wide coverage

get it now service (document delivery service). Augments ILL operation. In cooperatin with Elsevier and more

pay per view services on

Is copyright permission needed for URL use in the classroom? If so, what are the best methods for obtaining copyright permission for URLs?

What solutions does CCC provide for libraries wanting to provide electronic article access to students for their courses for material they don’t subscribe to.

How can one found out if one’s library is covered by a campus-wide license.

I am working with a student who would like to include figures from published academic articles and books in his dissertation. If he is not able to obtain permissions before the due date, does it seem like this would fall under fair use for academic purposes (not publishing or profit)? Thank you.

How does controlled digital lending (CDL) operate in an academic environment. Can you digitize an analog book owned by the library for posting in Moodle to support distance learning?

How can a user know what is and what is not the core of the document? or Book?

What about providing a link to an article or other material that is publicly available when you click on the link? How/why is that different from printing it and distributing it?

Can an author send her article to participants in the journal club? (journal not subscribed to by library or attendees).

more on copyright in this IMS blog

redefine learning

The vast majority of emergent virtual and hybrid learning models appear to be “stuck at substitution”—that is, they seek to recreate or translate the brick-and-mortar school experience into the cloud without stopping to ask which aspects of those models may not truly serve students in the time of COVID-19 or beyond.

When we say “stuck at substitution,” some readers may recognize the SAMR model of education technology integration. The SAMR framework describes four different levels of technology use, from Substitution to Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR). At its most basic level, education technology can be used to simply substitute: to replace traditional methods of teaching and learning with ones that are digitally mediated, but are still based on the same basic structure and pedagogy.



edtech can be used for augmentation, to bring some other affordance or benefit to the teaching and learning experience—for example, when that worksheet becomes a shared Google Doc that allows for collaboration and increased critical thinking.

Redefinition means thinking beyond existing paradigms and schedules that are built for an on-campus experience. It is the opportunity to imagine entirely new ways of teaching and learning—for example, attendance policies that emphasize engagement versus seat time, blended learning models that leverage technology for anywhere, anytime learning, and instructional design that allows increased student choice and participation.

more on online learning in this IMS blog

Embedded Librarian in Active Learning Environment

Creating a Role for Embedded Librarians Within an Active Learning Environment

In 2013, the librarians at a small academic health sciences library reevaluated their mission, vision, and strategic plan to expand their roles. The school was transitioning to a new pedagogical culture and a new building designed to emphasize interprofessional education and active learning methodologies. Subsequent efforts to implement the new strategic plan resulted in the librarians joining curriculum committees and other institutional initiatives, such as an Active Learning Task Force, and participating in faculty development workshops. This participation has increased visibility and led to new roles and opportunities for librarians.


Reflections on an Embedded Librarianship Approach: The Challenge of Developing Disciplinary Expertise in a New Subject Area

Embedded librarianship has emerged as a user-centred approach to academic library services, requiring an in-depth understanding of the education and research priorities of students and staff. User-centred approaches require the development of disciplinary expertise and engagement with the research culture of a particular subject area. This paper details the author’s experiences in situating his practice within the discipline of pharmacy and discusses some of the challenges around the scale and sustainability of such specialised support. Regardless of the extent to which a librarian is ‘embedded’, they must see themselves as learners, too, as they develop their understanding of the disciplines they support through an ongoing process of experiencing, reflecting, conceptualising and testing in their practice.

Embedded librarianship differs from traditional librarian roles in its focus on working in partnership with clients, rather than simply providing a support service (Carlson & Kneale, 2011).
In this sense, embedded librarianship is user-centred rather than library-centred and requires the librarian to develop a holistic understanding of the environment in which their client groups operate.

most training materials followed a one-size-fits-all approach, where students would be taken from locating background information and textbook chapters all the way to searching for primary evidence in a bibliographic database within the same hour. Most sessions ran over time and were overloaded with content. In some instances, students complained that they had already covered this content in their previous year.

While information literacy as a construct is valued by librarians, the term’s use remains
largely restricted to the library and information science (LIS) field and might even be labelled
undiscovered country for academics (McGuinness, 2006, p. 580). Academics often consider
IL instruction as a service provided by the library and do not see librarians as partners, nor
do they see the value in integrating course-specific IL training (Derakhshan & Singh, 2010).

a spectrum of embeddedness with 5 levels (2008, p. 442), from ‘entry level’, where the librarian might collaborate on assignment development and deliver a standalone IL session, to ‘co-teaching’, where the librarian co-teaches and develops discipline-specific course materials, lectures, assessment designs and grading in collaboration with academic staff. Their findings suggest that student performance is positively related to the level of librarian involvement

phenomenographic interview methodology, where the librarian is positioned as a ‘curricular

My note (sarcastic): whoa, what a novelty; it is repeated for two decades at SCSU, but “hot water still not invented” and the ATT still does not have neither a faculty, nor ID, but the only Ph.D. in ID just got laid off.
Hallam, Thomas and Beach illustrate that the library is not singularly responsible for developing information and digital literacies, and therefore, a collaborative approach involving a range of stakeholders including academic staff, learning designers, educational  technologists and others is required


more on embedded librarianship in this IMS blog

Classroom Routines Change

Classroom Routines Must Change. Here’s What Teaching Looks Like Under COVID-19

By  August 5, 2020

Class cultures built on collaboration or group project work will change.

discuss these priorities and present ideas for adapting common classroom routines for remote or socially distanced settings.

  • Frequent, meaningful engagement
  • Cognitively demanding work
  • Responding to formative assessment

Adapting Common Classroom Routines in an Online (or Socially Distanced) Environment

  • Introduce yourself to students at the beginning of the year
  • Hold a remote discussion
  • Plan a socially distanced art, music, or physical education lesson
  • Have students think-pair-share


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