Archive of ‘Library and information science’ category

Google policy privacy

Google is giving data to police based on search keywords, court docs show

Court records in an arson case show that Google gave away data on people who searched for a specific address.

Recently unsealed court document found that investigators can request such data in reverse order by asking Google to disclose everyone who searched a keyword rather than for information on a known suspect.

more on privacy in this IMS blog and Perusall


Perusall :


Musk’s brain-computer startup

Elon Musk’s brain-computer startup is getting ready to blow your mind

Musk reckons his brain-computer interface could one day help humans merge with AI, record their memories, or download their consciousness. Could he be right?

The idea is to solve these problems with an implantable digital device that can interpret, and possibly alter, the electrical signals made by neurons in the brain.

the latest iteration of the company’s hardware: a small, circular device that attaches to the surface of the brain, gathering data from the cortex and passing it on to external computing systems for analysis.

Several different types of working brain-computer interfaces already exist, gathering data on electrical signals from the user’s brain and translating them into data that can be interpreted by machines.


If we put computers in our brains, strange things might happen to our minds

Using a brain-computer interface can fundamentally change our grey matter, a view of ourselves and even how fast our brains can change the world.

more on AI in this IMS blog

LMS market acceleration

Chart of new LMS implementations per year in US and Canadian K-12 districts, dropping from peak in 2015 but accelerating in 2020.

  • UCLA is completing its LMS evaluation and migration plans, moving from Moodle to Canvas;
  • SUNY has released its RFP for a systemwide LMS;
  • CUNY is doing an LMS evaluation in preparation for its contract end date in 2021;
  • Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) is in the final contract stage of its systemwide LMS decision – expect a separate blog post on this one later this fall;
  • NYU is moving from Sakai to D2L Brightspace; and
  • Texas A&M and several CalState campuses are moving to Canvas.

more on LMS in this IMS blog

office in VR

  • The pandemic is driving interest in using virtual reality for business.
  • Facebook’s Oculus 2 VR headset will support an application called Infinite Office that allows people to work in a virtual office.
  • Advances are needed before VR can replace real-life interactions, experts say.

more on VR in this IMS blog

more on XR in this IMS blog

more on ASVR in this IMS blog

Coursetune on Future Trends

This week we’re diving into technology and its impact on higher education with the help of a terrific guest.  On Thursday, October 1st, from 2-3 pm EDT, we’ll be joined by Maria Anderson, math professor, futurist, entrepreneur, and previous Forum guest.
Maria is the principal consultant at Edge of Learning and the CEO and Cofounder of Coursetune, an edtech company that builds curriculum design, management, visualization, and collaboration software.

Previously, Maria has been the Director of Learning and Research for Instructure. For ten years she taught mathematics as well as chemistry and social media  full-time at Muskegon Community College.  She was also the Learning Futurist for the LIFT Institute.

I plan on asking Maria about how campuses are using new and emerging technology to improve online or blended learning this fall.  Which technologies have moved to the forefront in this pandemic semester?

And, as always, you will have the chance to ask your own questions. After all, the way the Forum works is that all attendees can ask our guests questions, engage and collaborate with other leaders in education technology, and also invite friends and colleagues to join.

To RSVP ahead of time, or to jump straight in at 2 pm EDT this Thursday, click here:

my notes from the meeting:
CMS do not cut it anymore
class sections are obsolete in online environment

more on future trends in this IMS blog

deepfake Putin

Deepfake Putin is here to warn Americans about their self-inflicted doom. AI-generated synthetic media is being used in a political ad campaign—not to disrupt the election, but to save it. from r/technology

They then worked with a deepfake artist who used an open-source algorithm to swap in Putin’s and Kim’s faces. A post-production crew cleaned up the leftover artifacts of the algorithm to make the video look more realistic. All in all the process took only 10 days. Attempting the equivalent with CGI likely would have taken months, the team says. It also could have been prohibitively expensive.

more on deepfake in this IMS blog

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