Podcasts have become excellent sources for great storytelling, interviews, and journalism.
From a few minutes to more than an hour, podcasts give content creators a chance to speak directly to their listeners free of distractions, and give listeners a new way to expand their minds during their daily commutes.
Special Interest Group: Learning Spaces and Instructional Technology (SIG) webinars are FREE and open to anyone. Please feel free to share this with others at your institution.
This session will describe an approach to online discussions that moves beyond the threaded message boards of D2L Brightspace, yet still maintained an asynchronous online delivery. Using teams, discussions were differentiated by product to allow students to turn in an artifact that represented their shared understanding during specific online course modules. Strategies, Technology guides, rubrics, and student feedback will be shared.
Presenter: Michael Manderfeld
Senior Instructional Designer
Minnesota State University Mankato
Join Mario Callegaro, Senior Survey Research Scientist at Google UK, and one of own survey research scientists, Sarah Cho, on February 24 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET for our webinar, Market research surveys gone mobile: Optimizing for better results.
Mario Callegaro
Senior Survey Research Scientist
Quantitative Marketing Team, Google UK
Sarah Cho
Survey Research Scientist
.My notes from the Webinar.
Surveys uncover the WHY. Big Data,
why mobile matters. tablet and smart phone penetration: around 60-80% in Europe. According to Pew In the US, 68% smartphone and 45% tablet
faster reaction but longer questionnaire completion time on smartphones = device effects
survey design device vs. survey take device – mismatch. When there is a mismatch, questions are asked.
5 strategies to handle mobile phone respondents: 1. do nothing
surveym0nkey: do all surveys have to be mobile optimized? no, so make sure you think about the context in which you are sending out
2. discourage the use of mobile phones for answering 3. optimize the web questionnaire for mobile browsers 4. mobile app
design considerations for multiple devices surveys. two “actors”: survey designer and survey platform
confounds when interpreting findings across devices: use homogeneous population (e.g students)
difference between mouse vs fingers as input devices
what about tablets: as long as flash is not used, tablet is very much the same as laptop/desktop. phablets (iPhone growth of the screen)
mobile survey design tips (Sarah)
multiple choice: ok to use, but keep wording short, format response vertically instead of horizontally.
open-ended q type: hard to type (but no word on voice recognition???)
multimedia: images, clarity, video, avoid (bandwidth constrains), use Youtube, so every device can play it, versus Flash, Java Script etc
February 11, 2016 Pixar in A Box is a free online course created out of a partnership between Khan Academy and Pixar Animation Studios. The course introduces learners to the fundamentals of the art of animation. More specifically, learners get to experience first-hand knowledge of the techniques and methods Pixar engineers use to create movies and animations.
Here are five different ways to apply the same rubric in your classroom.
1. A Rubric for Thinking (Invention Activity)
2. A Rubric for Peer Feedback (Drafting Activity)
3. A Rubric for Teacher Feedback (Revision Activity)
4. A Rubric for Mini-Lessons (Data Indicate a Teachable Moment)
5. A Rubric for Making Grades Visible (Student Investment in Grading)
How often have we heard that students believe grades to be arbitrary or capricious? Repeated use of a single rubric is good for both students and instructors. Switching roles between author and editor results in students’ increased familiarity with the process and the components of good writing. Over the course of the semester, students will synthesize the rubric’s components into effective communication. The instructor, too, will shift from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side,” answering fewer questions (and answering the same question fewer times). In other words, students will gain greater independence as writers and thinkers. And this is good for all of us.