TwistedWave is an audio recording and editing tool that is included in Next Vista’s list of recommended tools. Through TwistedWave you can create and edit spoken audio recordings from scratch. Your completed tracks can be exported to Google Drive and SoundCloud.
Announced at the Educause 2016 conference, Blackboard Learn users will now be able to collaborate on documents using the cloud sharing platform Dropbox.
My note: BB is only catching up with Google, which has Google Drive (~ Dropbox) and Google Classroom (~ BB). It doesn’t matter how much hype BB is trying to produce, the fact is that BB is behind.
D2L is even farther behind, without an integration of any video tool. Google has Google Hangouts and BB purchased several video conferencing tools until it got “the right one.”
D2L announce in 2010 an integration with Skype but it has not happened. Now, D2L will be double behind without integration of a cloud-based file space.
Google has their own site to help you learn how to use Google Apps, Learn Google Apps.
The site has tips on switching from other systems, tutorials, articles, tips and tricks, videos, examples of using Google Apps and much more. You can also learn by each app individually.
There’s even an weekly episode of the “Apps Show” where you can learn about new tips and features.
“I’ll start typing essays on my iPhone’s Notes app,” one student said. Because of an Apple feature called “Handoff,” he can then pick up right where he left off on his computer.
The Research Tool adds a quick citation system. To launch the Research tool, click Tools > Research. You can also use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl-⌘-Shift-l on a Mac and Ctrl-Alt-Shift-I on a PC.
Power Linking
Control-K or ⌘-K.
surveys and data with Sheets
Unless you’re an Excel power user, Google’s Sheets is probably full-featured enough to handle most spreadsheet needs.
Still storing those pictures and documents on your hard drive? Being cramped in your Huskynet file space (1GB)? Using the 10GB space, which Dropbox gives you for free? Using Google Docs and storing them in your Google Drive account?
MultCloud offers you a single interface to navigate through all these and more cloud-based storage accounts.