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library signage

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Effective Library Signage: Tips, Tricks, & Best Practices Workshop
Mark Aaron Polger and Amy F. Stempler Item Number: 1541-9212

Effective Library Signage: Tips, Tricks, & Best Practices Workshop
A 90-minute workshop, Thursday, January 5, 2017, 2:30pm Eastern/1:30 Central/12:30 Mountain/11:30am PacificLibrary signage represents the first lines of communication between a library user and the library. Are you doing everything to ensure that your signage is user friendly and inviting? Although we have the best intentions, sometimes our signage can be punitive, contradictory, outdated, or passive aggressive.In this new workshop, Mark Aaron Polger and Amy F. Stempler, library professionals who’ve conducted a four yearlong study at the College of Staten Island, CUNY that involved an extensive signage audit and replacement project, will provide you with the top ten tips to follow when preparing new signage for your library. They will discuss what constitutes “bad” and “good” signage and the importance of developing a signage policy to ensure consistency in design and overall language. Other topics that will be addressed will be placement, ADA compliancy, branding, design, verbiage, and the use of images, language, and font. You’ll come out of this workshop with the best practices to assess your current signage and develop improved signage for your institution.Learning Outcomes

After participating in this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify the best practices when developing new signage
  • Distinguish and follow the steps involved in coordinating a signage audit
  • Create a signage policy that is appropriate for your institution

About the Instructors

Mark Aaron Polger is the first year experience librarian and information literacy instructor at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York (CUNY). His responsibilities include promoting library services and resources to first year students and providing library instruction and information literacy classes. Polger’s research interests include library marketing, outreach, and user experience design. He has written and presented on topics ranging from library marketing strategies, faculty outreach, Information Literacy outreach, embedded librarianship, library jargon, and library signage. Polger holds a BA in Sociology from Concordia University, an MA in Sociology from the University of Waterloo, a B.Ed. in adult education from Brock University, and an MLIS from the University of Western Ontario. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction, and the Science of Learning at SUNY University at Buffalo.

Amy F. Stempler is an associate professor in the library department at the College of Staten Island, CUNY, where she has worked since 2008. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in History from The George Washington University and a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science Degree from the Pratt Institute. Stempler is currently the coordinator of library instruction, and has written on library signage, Jewish history, Judaica librarianship, and the role of archives in environmental history.

more on signage for libraries:
Polger, M. A., & Stempler, A. F. (2014). Out with the Old, In with the New: Best Practices for Replacing Library Signage. Public Services Quarterly, 10(2), 67-95. doi:10.1080/15228959.2014.904210

authors’ thesis is that library signs are living documents

Stempler, A. F., & Polger, M. A. (2013). Do You See the Signs? Evaluating Language, Branding, and Design in a Library Signage Audit. Public Services Quarterly, 9(2), 121-135. doi:10.1080/15228959.2013.785881

To be effective, signage must be consistent, concise, and free of jargon and punitive language.

more on the use of signage in the library in this IMS blog:


colors choice

psychology of color

psychology of color

colors around the world

psychology of color
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Google virtual tours museums

Google Arts & Culture

Android App:

iOS App:


more on virtual tours of museums in this IMS blog:

VR in education

5 ways virtual reality is being used in education right now

By Meris Stansbury
1. For new research: using a state-of-the-art “haptic” floor of aeronautic metal that vibrates and moves to stimulate the physical world for research on how VR has the potential to change the way users feel and behave. There may also be implications for confronting racism, sexism, and aiding in empathy and humanitarian efforts, says Bailenson.
2. For coding and 3D design: According to Bob Nilsson, director of Vertical Solutions Marketing for Extreme Networking, the University of Maryland, College Park, now offers a class on virtual reality that gives students the opportunity to design their own interactive world, work with 3D audio and experiment with immersive technology through a combination of hands-on learning and case studies. Also, the University of Georgia is offering similar classes where students design and explore applications for VR. Conrad Tucker, an assistant professor of engineering at Pennsylvania State University, has received funding to build a virtual engineering lab where students hold, rotate, and fit together virtual parts as they would with their real hands.

3. For anatomy and dissection: Said one Extreme Networks survey respondent, “Our students have been developing a VR model of a cow’s anatomy for dissection and study. You have the ability to drill down to the circulatory system, brain, muscle, skeleton, etc. Our applied tech program is using VR in conjunction with Autocad for models of projects they design.”

4. For engagement: A whopping 68 percent of survey respondents said the major benefit of using VR in education is to excite students about the subject matter. 39 percent said it’s great for encouraging creativity.

5. For field trips: Google has eliminated restrictions on Expeditions, their VR field trips program. Google Expeditions was cited in the survey as one of the most popular sources of VR content, but with the complaint that it was a restricted program.

use of VR in education

Thomas S. McDonald ·

Virtual reality may have its place, but until traditional education moves away from their 20th century teaching methodology and replaces it with educationally innovative, 21st century learning methodology, within a blended and flipped learning environment, virtual reality is currently, much ado about nothing.
Unless any new application is educationally innovative and directly and measurably contributes to effective, efficient, consistent, affordable, relevant advanced student success outcomes for ALL students, future innovations must wait for current innovations to be implemented.
This process of appriate choice and appropriate implemention must start at the top and be beta tested for measured student success before its rolled out system wide.

more on VR in this IMS blog


LITA social media webinar

Social Media For My Institution; from “mine” to “ours”
Instructor: Plamen Miltenoff
Starting Wednesday October 19, 2016, running for 4 weeks
Register Online, page arranged by session date (login required)

A course for librarians who want to explore the institutional application of social media. Based on an established academic course at St. Cloud State University “Social Media in Global Context” (more information at ).
Critically examine the institutional need of social media and juxtapose it to its private use. Discussion about the mechanics of choice for recent and future SM tools. Theoretical introduction to the subculture of social media. How to streamline library SM policies with the goals and mission of the institution. Hands-on exercises on creation and dissemination of textual and multimedia content and patrons’ engagement. Brainstorming on suitable for the institution strategies regarding resources, human and technological, workload share, storytelling, and branding.

This is a blended format web course:

The course will be delivered as 4 separate live webinar lectures, one per week on:

Wednesdays, September 21, 28, October 5 and 12
2:00 – 3:00 pm Central
You do not have to attend the live lectures in order to participate. The webinars will be recorded and distributed through the web course platform, Moodle for asynchronous participation. The web course space will also contain the exercises and discussions for the course.

Social media for my institution week one from Plamen Miltenoff

bibliography on K12 learning spaces

Bibliography on K12 learning spaces

articles in popular print:

2nd Annual Next Generation Learning Spaces Asia. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
10 Tips For Creating Inspiring Learning Spaces Infographic. (2016, January 26). Retrieved from
Active Learning Spaces. (n.d.-a). K-12 Blueprint. Retrieved from
Active Learning Spaces. (n.d.-b). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Architecture’s Pivotal Role in the Future of K 12 Learning (EdSurge News). (2016, July 11). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Bruff, D. (2013, December 19). Flexible Classrooms: Highlights from #Spaces4Learning | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Educational Furniture : KI. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Elfring, L. (n.d.). UA-AAU STEM Collaborative Learning Spaces Project. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
fellow, E. S. T. E. is a senior, leadership, thought leader on digital leadership with the I. C. for L. in E. H. also runs a blog on K.-12, & Reflections, A. P. (2016, February 9). 5 Ways Digital Tools Are Transforming the Education Space [Text]. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Homeschooling Articles – – The #1 Homeschooling Community. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Jakes, D. (2014, August 26). All About Design – Strategies for Rethinking Learning Spaces. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
K12 Learning Space. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
K12 learning spaces playbook. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Kurani, D. (2015, April 1). 10 Reasons To Re-Design Your School Space. Retrieved from
Luchs, S. (2016, February 23). Using Space to Realize a Next Gen Learning Vision | NextGen Learning. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
New Learning Environments for 21st Century Learners. (2016, August 27). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Persaud, R. (2014, September 8). Why Learning Space Matters. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Pierce, B. D., & 08/25/15. (n.d.). 3 Ways Mobile Technology Is Transforming Learning Spaces -. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Reimagining Space, Time & Staffing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Re-Thinking Learning Spaces | Tech Learning. (2013, October 25). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Seidel, V. P., & Fixson, S. K. (2013). Adopting Design Thinking in Novice Multidisciplinary Teams: The Application and Limits of Design Methods and Reflexive Practices: Adopting Design Thinking in Novice Teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30, 19–33.
Slowakiewicz, M. (2016, March 22). STEM School Learning Spaces. Retrieved from
Using Social Media as Learning Spaces. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
Vickery. (2014, August 18). Are You Hacking Your School’s Learning Spaces? Retrieved October 12, 2016, from
peer-reviewed articles:
Razavi, M. N., & Iverson, L. (2007). Designing for privacy in personal learning spaces. New Review Of Hypermedia & Multimedia, 13(2), 163-185. doi:10.1080/13614560701709861
Jung, I., & Latchem, C. (2011). A model for e-education: Extended teaching spaces and extended learning spaces. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 42(1), 6-18. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.00987.x


more on learning spaces in this IMS blog

library and Generation Y

this article was written in 2004

Weiler, A. (2005). Information-Seeking Behavior in Generation Y Students: Motivation, Critical Thinking, and Learning Theory. Journal Of Academic Librarianship, 31(1), 46-53.

The research indicates that only a very small percentage of the general population prefer to learn by reading.

members of “Generation Y,” the generation born between 1980 and 1994.

The first model for study of information-seeking behavior in the general population was developed by James Krikelas in 1983. This model suggested that the steps of information seeking were as follows: (1) perceiving a need, (2) the search itself, (3) finding the information, and (4) using the information, which results in either satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
A second model developed by Carol C. Kuhlthau of Rutgers University stresses a process approach with an emphasis placed on cognitive skills; as they increase, so does information-seeking effectiveness. This model is one of the few that was developed based on actual research and not simply on practical experience.
Eisenberg and Berkowitz proposed a model based on the “Big Six Skills”—task definition, information seeking, implementation, use, synthesis, and evaluation. Their model is flexible and nonlinear in the same way that hypertext is, allowing for different areas and avenues to be explored out of sequence. In addition, seekers can go back to refine and reidentify the information need, implementing new strategies.

Critical thinking is a process that is widely acknowledged in the literature to be crucial to the learning process, to cognitive development, and to effective information seeking.

A more effective lesson on Internet information then, rather than specifically dwelling on “good” and “bad” Web sites, would be to present actual examples and to raise questions rather than giving answers, opening the student up to the next level intellectual development, “multiplicity.” Multiplicity is the ability to acknowledge that the world contains knowledge that the student cannot yet classify as right or wrong, knowledge which requires further study and thought (the so-called “gray area”).

Behavior Theory, first developed by B. F. Skinner in the 1950s, uses the concepts of “positive” and “negative” reinforcement to control behavior. This theory explains learning behavior very simply: Reward students who perform well, and punish students who do not.

The “Control Theory” of behavior was developed by William Glasser. The theory states that, rather than being a response to outside stimulus, behavior is determined by what a person wants or needs at any given time, and any given behavior is an attempt to address basic human needs such as love, freedom, power, etc.

The Myers–Briggs Personality Analysis test, developed by Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs, was developed using Jung’s theory of personality types in an effort to determine what type any given individual is. The personality type then determines the learning style of a given individual.

Multiple Intelligences

Gardner’s theory relates more directly to intelligence rather than to personality. Gardner states that intelligence is comprised of a group of different abilities, which originate in the stages of development each person passes through as they grow to adulthood. He identifies seven such intelligences—verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, visual–spatial, body–kinesthetic, musical–rhythmic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal—but he suggests that there are probably more.

Information seeking is a highly subjective process, one which students approach with prior knowledge, strongly held opinions, and differing levels of cognitive development. From the research it is apparent that, aside from personal preconceptions, issues of time and levels of difficulty in obtaining information are usually of more concern to students than issues of accuracy. It is still unclear, however, whether this is because they are not concerned about the accuracy unless their instructor is, or because they are assuming most information is by nature accurate.


More on Generation Z and Generation Y in this IMS blog:

literature review



The Why? and How? in Literature Review according to the Research Proposal Flow Chart


How does your literature review fit in the overall Thesis plan


more on writing and proofreading in this IMS blog


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