Searching for "tuition"

texbooks as part of tuition

How one school beat the textbook dilemma

Laura Devaney, Director of News, @eSN_Laura March 31st, 2016

The college rolled textbook costs into tuition the same way costs associated with athletic fields, libraries,
and classroom equipment are rolled into tuition.

More on textbooks in this blog:

More on e-books in this blog:


online learning


Useful discussion on the Educause Listserv “Blended and Online Learning Constituent Group

Per Ann Hamilton from Penn State and Linda Futch with U of Central FL, it is obvious that compensation varies all across the board.

Steve Covello’s comment most probably will resonate with any faculty, who had taught online.

What are your thoughts as a faculty about how you need to be compensated for teaching online, versus F2F course?

Gamification as Design Thinking

Hung, A. C. Y. (2018). Gamification as Design Thinking. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30(3), 1812–9129.
By reflecting-in-action,  the practitioner is able to gain metacognitive awareness  and perceive his/her intuitions and biases, test  hypotheses, and take on new perspectives. The  approach of having students learn by designing their  own games combines design thinking and game-based  learning (Kafai, 1995, 2006; Li, Lemieuz,  Vandermeiden, & Nathoo, 2013). Design thinking also  supports new forms of literacies brought on by new  media technologies as well as game-based learning.

It is likely that the effects of gamification cannot  easily be measured satisfactorily through surveys of  motivation, engagement, attendance, or grades because  there are too many variables that could affect how students  respond. Critics of gamification argue that it over

simplifies complex problems (Bogost, 2015; Robertson,  2010). However, both gamification and design thinking  are approaches to problem-solving. With design thinking,  gamification may be used in more meaningful ways  because design thinking offers a different lens through  which to conceptualize the problem.

Critical Infrastructure Studies & Digital Humanities

Critical Infrastructure Studies & Digital Humanities

Alan Liu, Urszula Pawlicka-Deger, and James Smithies, Editors

Deadline for 500-word abstracts: December 15, 2021

For more info:

Part of the Debates in the Digital Humanities Series A book series from the University of Minnesota Press Matthew K. Gold and Lauren F. Klein, Series Editors

Critical infrastructure studies has emerged as a framework for linking thought on the complex relations between society and its material structures across fields such as science and technology studies, design, ethnography, media infrastructure studies, feminist theory, critical race and ethnicity studies, postcolonial studies, environmental studies, animal studies, literary studies, the creative arts, and others (see the Bibliography )

CIstudies Bibliography

Debates in the Digital Humanities 2019

teaching quantitative methods:

Problem 1: Programming Is Not an End in Itself

An informal consensus seems to have emerged that if students in the humanities are going to make use of quantitative methods, they should probably first learn to program. Introductions to this dimension of the field are organized around programming languages: The Programming Historian is built around an introduction to Python; Matthew Jockers’s Text Analysis with R is at its heart a tutorial in the R language; Taylor Arnold and Lauren Tilton’s Humanities Data in R begins with chapters on the language; Folgert Karsdorp’s Python Programming for the Humanities is a course in the language with examples from stylometry and information retrieval.[11] “On the basis of programming,” writes Moretti in “Literature, Measured,” a recent retrospective on the work of his Literary Lab, “much more becomes possible”

programming competence is not equivalent to competence in analytical methods. It might allow students to prepare data for some future analysis and to produce visual, tabular, numerical, or even interactive summaries; Humanities Data in R gives a fuller survey of the possibilities of exploratory data analysis than the other texts.[15] Yet students who have focused on programming will have to rely on their intuition when it comes to interpreting exploratory results. Intuition gives only a weak basis for arguing about whether apparent trends, groupings, or principles of variation are supported by the data. 

From Humanities to Scholarship: Librarians, Labor, and the Digital

Bobby L. Smiley

First hired as a “digital humanities librarian,” I saw my title changed within less than a year to “digital scholarship librarian,” with a subject specialty later appended (American History). Some three-plus years later at a different institution, I now find myself a digital-less “religion and theology librarian.” At the same time, in this position, my experience and expertise in digital humanities (or “digital scholarship”) are assumed, and any associated duties are already baked into the job description itself.

Jonathan Senchyne has written about the need to reimagine library and information science graduate education and develop its capacity to recognize, accommodate, and help train future library-based digital humanists in both computational research methods and discipline-focused humanities content (368–76). However, less attention has been paid to tracking where these digital humanities and digital scholarship librarians come from, the consequences and opportunities that arise from sourcing librarians from multiple professional and educational stations, and the more ontological issues associated with the nature of their labor—that is, what is understood as work for the digital humanist in the library and what librarians could be doing.

More on digital humanities in this blog

how worth an online degree

study conducted by WECT before the pandemic found that only about 20 percent of colleges they surveyed charged less tuition and lower fees than they do to those who study in person. Counterintuitively, the study also revealed—to my surprise—that more than half of the colleges charged more tuition and higher fees to their remote students than to those studying on campus. The survey also uncovered another revelation: online fees added to tuition can be so large that they are greater than tuition alone.

recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that colleges with a greater-than-average share of remote students largely charge lower tuition than their on-campus counterparts. As prices rose at most post-secondary institutions over the last decades, tuition at these colleges fell.

Since then, MOOC degrees have mushroomed, now with more than 70 others available in partnership with about 30 first-class universities worldwide. Coursera, the biggest provider, offers nearly 30 virtual degrees in business, data science and public health, among other fields, most discounted at less than half of comparable on-campus programs

Coursera revenue options

In New Push to Grow Online Degree Offerings, Coursera Changes Revenue-Sharing Options

Ten years ago when two Stanford professors started Coursera, many of the big-name colleges the company partnered with offered few online courses.

rising acceptance of such programs and changing demographics that could mean fewer high-school graduates looking for traditional programs.

today Coursera is announcing what it has called a “new economic model” in how it splits revenue with the colleges it works with, which for some colleges will mean getting a bigger cut.

“It’s a marginal rate that the share that goes to the university gets bigger as the tuition collected across all degrees on Coursera goes up.”

more on coursera in this IMS blog

Microcredentials virtual conference

Micro-credentials and Badges in Higher Education


  • Cost and business model considerations
  • Different types of badging platforms and technology
  • How to partner with industry to deliver in-demand competencies
  • Considerations for monetizing microcredentials
  • Current issues impacting badges during COVID-19

Identifying Badges that Add Value to Your Institution
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Our faculty will establish a shared terminology, discuss the benefits and challenges of various badges, and explain how each type can advance the goals of your institution and best serve students. You will share your purposes for pursuing a badging initiative, identify the types of badges that could add the most value to your institution, and set goals for the conference.

Designing Quality Alternative Credentials
2:30 – 3:15 p.m.
What goes into developing, designing, assessing, and maintaining quality microcredentials? In this session, you will learn about:

  • Standardization and rigor in development
  • Curriculum design and assessment
  • Developing a governance process
  • Continuous maintenance and improvement

Funding and Monetizing Badges
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Many institutions are looking into badging as a potential revenue stream during lean times. During this hour, you will learn strategies for monetization. We will also look at various fee-based and tuition-based funding models to financially operationalize microcredentialing.

Marketing and Branding
1:30 – 2:15 p.m.
How do you articulate the value proposition of badges to internal and external stakeholders? During this session you will learn how to brand and market your microcredentials. You will study badge images and stacking considerations that will help you create the best design for your circumstances.

Jeff Bohrer

Technical PM, IMS Global Learning

Jeff currently serves as a program manager for digital credentials initiatives at IMS Global Learning Consortium. Jeff leads projects and programs related to digital badges, comprehensive learner records, and the interoperability of learning technologies. Jeff is also co-chair of the EDUCAUSE Microcredentials and Badges Constituent Group.

More on microcredentials in this IMS blog

online classes faculty teaching

Switching to online classes creates severe time pressures for university and college teachers

David Westwood

Most students do not want an online education, and many are calling for reductions in tuition fees to compensate for what they perceive might be a lower-quality education and experience. Some might choose to wait for a return to on-campus delivery.

Most professors do not want to teach in an online environment because they value engaging with students in discussions, debates, and laboratory demonstrations. There are many good pedagogical reasons why most post-secondary education continues to take place in a face-to-face, on-campus delivery mode despite the longstanding availability of technology to support online teaching.

Professor and student preferences aside, there is a more pressing problem looming.

There is precious little time for professors to change all of their courses to an online mode of delivery.

Nova Scotia Universities and Colleges need a significant and urgent infusion of funding from the provincial government to cover the increased costs of converting post-secondary education into an entirely different mode of operation over the next three months. Universities cannot be expected to cover those costs alone, and neither should students.

more on online teaching in this IMS blog

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