Searching for "online tools"

virtual tools to remain

Will this semester forever alter college? No, but some virtual tools will stick around

Conceiving, planning, designing and developing a genuine online course or program can consume as much as a year of faculty training and collaboration with instructional designers, and often requires student orientation and support and a complex technological infrastructure.

If anything, what people are mistaking now for online education — long class meetings in videoconference rooms, professors in their bathrobes, do-it-yourself tools made of rubber bands and cardboard — appears to be making them less, not more, open to it.

OLC Online Learning Consortium

Delivering High-Quality Instruction Online in Response to COVID-19

Faculty Playbook

OLC Ideate—Virtual Salon Series

OLC Quality Scorecard Suite

Angela Gunder: 

more on OLC in this IMS blog

plagiarism detection tools

link to the “Grammarly” thread:

Hi all, I don’t use Grammarly, but I hear that a lot of people find it useful. I am also hearing that some instructors/universities find its use problematic. Several years ago, a student that I knew was not a good writer was accused of plagiarism by another instructor. She claimed that her nearly flawless papers were written with the help of Grammarly. I am curious to know if you encourage or prohibit Grammarly in your classes and if your department or university has a policy concerning its use.

My summation of this thread:
naturally, opinions are for and against:
pros –
it helps/forces students understand the need to proofread
partially replaces the very initial work of instructor
cons –
algorithms/technology are/is not perfect
it does not replace a living person (sic!!!)
e.g. it detect passive voice, but does not teach the replacement

more on grammarly in this IMS blog

free digital tools for students engagement

15 Free Digital Tools to Boost Students’ Engagement Online

A review of digital tools and ideas for teachers to support formative assessment in online classrooms

1. Diigo

2. Evernote

3. Notion


5. Mural

6. Miro

7. Kahoot


9. Factile

10. Wakelet

11. Flipgrid

12. Slack

13. Padlet

14. Zoom

15. BigBlueButton

more on engagement in this IMS blog

virtual exhibitions online classes

a tool that will allow students to collaboratively create an “exhibit” at the end of an online class.

I’m looking for a tool that will allow students to collaboratively create an “exhibit” at the end of an online class. Each student will be responsible for curating a selection of objects (art, photographs, music clips, and text quotes) with short explanations that we’ll put together in an exhibit on our class topic. I’ve thought of various formats—including possibly TimelineJS (I’m a historian)—but I wanted to see if anyone else had experience with this kind of assignment and recommendations of tools. My students have different levels of technology access and literacy, so my priority is simplicity and ease of use. Thank you very much for any suggestions you might have!

more on virtual tours in this IMS blog

synchronous online instruction resources


open google doc to start crowd-sourcing tools/activities/strategies for interactive synchronous online instruction

qualitative research in online environment

A Facebook group thread:

Qualitative researchers: Does anyone have any general pointers on conducting qualitative work in this environment other than doing interviews or focus groups over Zoom? Example: I (normally) do a lot of participant observation work. Where and how will I do this or do it as well as I have done it?

At this moment, my focus is all on teaching. But if this situation becomes more prolonged, I need to figure out how to keep the research going too.


Qualitative Data Analysis Tools

more on qualitative research in this IMS blog

student support online learning

10 Tips to Support Students in a Stressful Shift to Online Learning

By Kelly Field MARCH 30, 2020

  1. Survey students about tools and platforms.
  2. Co-construct your class.
  3. Favor asynchronous approaches.
  4. Go low-tech and mobile-friendly.
  5. Share your story.
  6. Offer support and resources.
  7. Create opportunities for students to process the moment.
  8. Don’t forget about students with disabilities.
  9. Assign self-care, and model it.

your teaching online we can help

both these tweets very valid about the past:

while this one is very valid for the present

in a need to choose the right tool for remote learning? Contact us, we will help you

proctoring and online learning

when the option between taking a course online or in-person is provided, studies show students are more likely to stay in college.

Since the early days of online instruction, the response of many new instructors has been to figure out how to transfer elements of their face-to-face class into the online format. In response, education technology companies have been quick to create products that attempt to replicate in-person teaching. Some examples include learning management systems, lecture capture tools, and early online meeting systems.

online proctoring systems, such as ProctorU or Proctorio, replicate a practice that isn’t effective in-person. Exams are only good for a few things: managing faculty workload and assessing low level skill and content knowledge. What they aren’t good at is demonstrating student learning or mastery of a topic. As authors Rena Palloff and Keith Pratt discuss in their book “Assessing the Online Learner: Resources and Strategies for Faculty,” online exams typically measure skills that require memorization of facts, whereas learning objectives are often written around one’s ability to create, evaluate and analyze course material.

Authentic assessments, rather than multiple choice or other online exams, is one alternative that could be explored. For example, in a chemistry course, students could make a video themselves doing a set problems and explain the process. This would allow instructors to better understand students’ thinking and identify areas that they are struggling in. Another example could be in a psychology course, where students could curate and evaluate a set of resources on a given topic to demonstrate their ability to find, and critically analyze online information. (see Bryan Alexander‘s take on video assignments here:

more on online learning in this IMS blog

more on proctoring in this IMS blog

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