Greg Jorgensen emailed us with his new darling:
Explain Everything –
and raises a very good question:
What do we know and how do we organize our tools and apps for whiteboard screencasting and lecture capture?
Greg’s choice of the day is atop of a list from the Ed Tech/y and Mobile Learning web site:
next on that top-6-list are
Show Me
Educreations Interactive Whiteboard
Doodlecast Pro
Doceri ( is a very promissing app, which Bob Lessinger was pushing to be installed on campuos computers (being free), but it is ONLY iPAD-bound (not even iPHone or iTouch)
In addition to Doceri: Stage : Interactive Whiteboard and Document Camera and Splashtop Whiteboard per: 3 Apps to Turn Your iPad into Interactive Whiteboard ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Here is a neat table about the compatibility (iOS and Android) for several of these apps:
Here is another good resource from Alaska. The screencasting apps reviewed are the same as above, but other good sources regarding a pedagogy involving the technology.
A broader approach to this issue (Presentation & Screencasting Apps) on Pinterest:
More apps and possibilities, as well as “how-to” directions here:
Here is an useful blog entry, comparing ExlpainEverything with Educreation —
More apps:
Lecturnity ( )
a lengthy review is available here:
The Awesome Power of Gaming in Higher Education
EDUCAUSE 2013 welcomes Jane McGonigal and considers the potential of games in education.
The University of Washington’s Foldit game enables anyone to contribute to scientific research through virtual protein folding. The university’s game developers posit that human gamers’ propensity to not give up on a gaming task – resiliency – make them much more adept at solving complex protein structure prediction and design than supercomputers. And in some ways, they’ve already proven that to be so. Foldit game participants have been named in several published scientific journal articles, including one that describes how a protein structure could be solved and used in the treatment of HIV.
The rich, interactive universe of Grand Theft Auto was the inspiration for this game, developed for The World Bank as a way to teach Sub-Sahara African youths to solve social problems in ways that also could provide a sustainable living. The platform is free and available online and can be used by schools to teach social entrepreneurship. A graphic novel serves as the game’s centerpiece, and players build out their gaming profiles as a comic or graphic novel might retell a superhero’s origin story. Participants complete projects in real life to solve real problems, such as securing a community’s food supply or establishing a sustainable power source, then progress through levels of the game. Those who successfully complete their 10-week missions ultimately earn certification from the World Bank Institute. In 2010, 50 student participants saw their entrepreneurship models funded by the World Bank, including Libraries Across Africa (now Librii), a franchise operating in Ghana.
Not all games must be played out in a virtual space. This game – developed by McGonigal with Natron Baxter and Playmatics – combines real-world missions with virtual clues and online collaboration, resulting in young people working together overnight in the New York Public Library to write and publish a book of personal essays about what they learned.
“The game is designed to empower young people to find their own futures by bringing them face-to-face with the writings and objects of people who made an extraordinary difference.”
Participants spend a night wandering throughout the library’s stacks and research materials, scanning QR codes to prove they found and interacted with the objects of their clues or missions. One 2011 participant, upon discovering the library’s early draft of the Declaration of Independence wrote an essay called a “Declaration of Interdependence.”
More on Jane McGonigal on YouTube:
Key Findings
See the 2013 report for a full list of key messages, findings, and supporting data.
- Students recognize the value of technology but still need guidance when it comes to better using it for academics.
- Students prefer blended learning environments while beginning to experiment with MOOCs.
- Students are ready to use their mobile devices more for academics, and they look to institutions and instructors for opportunities and encouragement to do so.
- Students value their privacy, and using technology to connect with them has its limits.
p. 10
students are generally confident in their prepraredness to use technology for course work, but those who are interested in more tech training favor “in calss” guidance over separate training options.
Educause’s ECAR Study, 2013
A Resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators
Below is informative exchange on how to subtitle course capture (screencast):
Are we talking Camtasia Studio or Relay?
Relay no longer publishes to Flash – it was replaced with MP4 and a “Smart Player” – and the subtitling is stored in an XML file that is dynamically read by the Smart Player.
I can confirm that Studio burns the captions into an MP4, as Steve points out.
Jeremy Anderson
Instructional Technologist
203.582.3792 |
From: The EDUCAUSE Blended and Online Learning Constituent Group Listserv [mailto:BLEND-ONLINE@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Covello, Steve
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [BLEND-ONLINE] Subtitling Screencasts
Camtasia captioning is burn-in, as far as I know (at least in Mac 2). So I don’t think Flash is an aspect of it unless that is the format you are exporting it as.
– Steve
Steve Covello
Rich Media Specialist/Online Instructor
Granite State College
Skype: steve.granitestate
From: Frank Lowney <frank.lowney@GCSU.EDU>
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Blended and Online Learning Constituent Group Listserv <BLEND-ONLINE@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU>
Date: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [BLEND-ONLINE] Subtitling Screencasts
Both ScreenFlow (Mac-only) and Camtasia (Mac/Win) support subtitling. Both are excellent screencast applications but I prefer ScreenFlow because it creates MPEG-4 files whereas Camtasia requires Flash for subtitles and that pretty much rules out mobile.
If these screencastsare made with some other, less expensive apps, I suggest using free, open source apps. There are many but I prefer Jubler for creating subtitles and Subler for installing them in MPEG-4 files. These are Mac apps.
I’ve recently come across CapScribe which is free to education and plan to look it over carefully. It looks very promising: This is also Mac-only.
On May 10, 2013, at 12:00 AM, BLEND-ONLINE automatic digest system <LISTSERV@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> wrote:
In creating accessible online and blended courses, one of the challenges we
are dealing with is making sure faculty created videos (narrated
PowerPoints, screencasts, etc.) are accessible. I would love to hear how
others are handling this. Do you recommend/require that these videos be
closed captioned? If so, who is responsible for creating the closed
captions? Do you have staff on campus that do this or is it the faculty
member’s responsibility? Or do you use a service? Can you recommend any
software that helps someone easily create closed captions or a service that
can provide this?
Thank you so much,
Andrea Milligan
Director of Instructional Technology and Design
North Shore Community College
1 Ferncroft Road
Danvers, MA 01923
Dr. Frank Lowney Georgia College & State University
Projects Coordinator, Digital Innovation Group @ Georgia College
Chappell Hall 212 (CBX 106)
Web Site, Blog, GCSU Email, iCloud Email
My latest book: The Coming ePublishing Revolution in Higher Education
Voice: (478) 445-1344
NOTICE: Please be advised that I am hearing impaired and communicate most effectively via e-mail. Follow-up summaries of telephone conversations by e-mail are most appreciated.
You are invited to participate in the “First Annual SCSU Technology in Teaching and Learning Summer Institute” co-sponsored by the Center for Continuing Studies, InfoMedia Services and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
When? Monday, May 13 – Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Where? Miller Center
Space is limited to 75 participants. Registration is required and can be completed at this link:
The Institute program is available here:
Participants are eligible for incentive awards to support their teaching with technology. Please see the attachment, “participant incentives.”
The goal of the SCSU Technology in Teaching and Learning Summer Institute and its follow-up sessions is to provide high quality and effective pedagogical strategies, skills and discussions around the use of technology for teaching and learning in online, face-to-face and blended courses. This Institute is part of our on-going varied and collaborative efforts to foster a professional peer learning climate around teaching and learning with technology.
Participants who attend all sessions on both days including the follow-ups and complete all evaluations will have the opportunity to use their self-assessment of current skills and knowledge of technology and select sessions in order to:
• Acquire basic and advanced skills in using the current Learning Management System, i.e. D2L
• Distinguish the appropriate use of pedagogical strategies with technology in online, face-to-face and blended settings
• Explore opportunities to improve student learning through application of e-conferencing tools (e.g. Adobe Connect), and Web 2.0 tools such as social media, etc.
• Meet and interact with faculty and staff experts and mentors and learn the processes by which they can get additional and on-going support for each of the above areas.
Please register no later than Wednesday May 8.
“Full-time faculty and full-time professional staff with teaching responsibilities who participate in both days of the “Summer Institute” and complete the evaluations will be rewarded with a $300 coupon for a one-time purchase of material that directly supports teaching with technology at the SCSU Computer Store in the Miller Center. Faculty who participate in one of the two days will receive a $150 coupon for the same purpose. Coupons are not transferable.
Please remember that the items purchased remain the property of SCSU but may be used by the purchaser to support their teaching and related academic activities.
Upon completion of the “Summer Institute” participants will be contacted by the SCSU Online Office to verify level of participation in the institute and verify eligibility for funds. These funds must be spent by June 15, 2013.”
Clarification on Presenters Registration
- Presenters do not have to register unless they want to attend both days.
- If presenters are not going to participate in sessions other than the one(s) they are presenting but want to eat lunch with us on either day please contact me directly so we can add you to the lunch count and identify any dietary needs
Technology Instruction Week: Social Media
March 25 – March 29
MC 205 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
o Monday
Facebook: does it belong in the classroom? Why, how and when…
o Tuesday
Apps for collaboration and creativity
o Wednesday
I found a job on Twitter….
o Thursday
LinkedIn is my resume…
o Friday
Is social media a nuance or perfect opportunity for school?
Register for the 1:00pm session at (not required):
Follow us
on Twitter: @SCSUtechInstruc | #techworkshop