Archive of ‘media literacy’ category

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy, Information Literacy and Connectivism

One concern that I have is that because information literacy is so identified with librarians, that digital literacy may be seen as outside the purview of librarians when in fact it is a natural pairing.

Digital Literacy Tutorials

Examining Digital Literacy Practices on Social Network Sites

MediaSpace Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result”

getting an error message when uploading a recording on MediaSpace that says “Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result” and then gives you a choice to “Retry” or “Exit”. 

From: “Timothy P. VanLoon” <tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU>
Date: September 5, 2014 at 9:29:59 AM CDT
To: Desire2Learn Campus Trainers <>
Subject: RE: MediaSpace error meaning
Reply-To: “Timothy P. VanLoon” <tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU>

Thanks Kathy.  I agree it is a great system and seems to be very reliable and I like working with it as it is very user friendly.  However, in this last week now I have seen this error message come up twice for faculty and I would like answers and I haven’t gotten any so that is why I sent it out on the listserve today to see if anybody else has seen the error and find out what they know.


We have been using Tegrity for the last 6-8 years and it can be a real pain to work with (as well as very expensive) so I am trying to wean the faculty off of Tegrity on onto MediaSpace, but if word gets out that MediaSpace is throwing them error messages it just make the hill that much steeper for me in this uphill battle to get faculty to try something new.




Timothy VanLoonInstructional Technologist/D2L System Administrator

Southeast Technical

507.453.2722 phone

507.453.1422 fax


From: Kathy Grady []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 8:24 AM
To: Timothy P. VanLoon; Desire2Learn Campus Trainers
Subject: RE: MediaSpace error meaning

Hi Tim – I have not seen this error – I just tried a couple videos, one an mp4 and the other an mov file and they uploaded and processed just fine. We have several people using MediaSpace with very little issues so I guess when you run into these issues – is to email Todd Digby and turn in a HD ticket as soon as you get notice of the issue.


Even with these strange things that periodically happen – I am thankful for this system, it has been a long time in coming. Please take it from me, who managed media streaming servers locally for five years, it was a royal pain and not an easy service to keep functioning at all times.




Kathy Grady
Learning Systems & Services Manager

North Hennepin Community College
7411 85th Ave N
Brooklyn Park, Mn 55445





From: Timothy P. VanLoon [mailto:tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU]
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:57 AM
To: Desire2Learn Campus Trainers
Subject: MediaSpace error meaning


Has anyone else experienced getting an error message when uploading a recording on MediaSpace that says “Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result” and then gives you a choice to “Retry” or “Exit”.  Hitting “Retry” seems to do nothing and I have not selected “Exit”.  The recording does finish uploading and the message comes up saying it finished uploading and then the recording seems to play normally but the message box does not go away unless you close it out.  I would like to know what this message is about and what I am supposed to tell faculty when this happens and will the recording continue to upload properly and playback properly every time.  I any pushing hard to get faculty moved over to using MediaSpace and this is a little unsettling when I tell them it is a reliable recording/playback tool and then they get this message and I don’t know what to tell them except wait and it should end up fine.






Timothy VanLoonInstructional Technologist/D2L System Administrator

Southeast Technical

507.453.2722 phone

507.453.1422 fax






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50 Shades of Mobile

50 Shades of Mobile

Smart phones (MLDs)
1.   SMCS Mobile Learning Technology
2.   The Mobile Learning Portal
3.   Learning in Hand
4.   Cybrary Man’s Mobile Learning Page
5.   100 Mobile Tools for Teachers
6.   Breaking the Cell Phone Ban
7.   Go Mobile 4 Learning
8.  Tool for Learning or Distraction?
9.  50+ Tips and Resources
10. Learning2Go
11. iPad Apps Separated by Subject Area
12. iPad/iPod Resources
13. 102 Interesting Ways to Use iPads in the Classroom
14. Middle School iPad Apps
15. iPads in Education Wiki
16. Mobile Learning Integration
17. Apps for Special Needs
18. 50 Resources for iPad use in the Classroom
19. iPad in Education Resources Worth Exploring
20. 39 Sites for Using iPads in the Classroom
21. 32 iPad Tips and Tricks
22. i Educational Apps Review
23. iSchool Initiative
24. Cell phones in Learning
25. The Mobile Native
26. The Mobile Learner
27. Going Mobile
28. Mobile Learning
29. mLearnopedia
30. Mobile ESL
31. Learning in Hand
32. Ubiquitous Thoughts
33. m-learning is good
34. The Mobile Learning Edge
35. @Ignatia Webs
36. K-12 Mobile Learning
37. Mobile Learning 21
38. Float Learning
39. mLearning Trends
40. mLearning: Beyond the Digital Divide
41. The Innovative Educator
42. The m-Learning Revolution
43. Learnlets
44. BYOD in the 21st Century
45. A New Vision for Mobile
46. BYOD Toolbox
47. BYOD “Food For Thought”
48. GoKnow Mobile Learning Videos
49. Thoughts on the State of Mobile Learning
50. Why Mobile Learning

Two Ways to Explore the News Through Maps

Two Ways to Explore the News Through Maps

Newspaper Map is a neat tool for locating and reading newspapers from locations all around the world.

Breaking News presents a constant stream of headlines from around the world.

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