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Interactive Marketing and Social Media

Interactive Marketing and Social Media

deCesare, Gina, Miltenoff, Plamen

Section 5, T/TH – 11:00am – 12:15pm and, Section 7, T – 6:oopm – 9:00pm

  1. Introduction. Who am I, what I do:

  1. What is the purpose of the meeting today: Interactive Marketing and Social Media
  • Define top 3 questions on your mind and be ready to share

Jerry Seinfeld’s 5 Tips On Social Media Etiquette

Social Media: do you use it and how?…

  1. PPT, e.g. slide 27, by sharing with the students resources (most of them are infographics,) about best time when to apply social media marketing.

Social Media Examiner has plenty to say about it:


  1. Ideas and directions:
    Peruse over the 3 groups of directions and ideas and choose one. Study it. Outline what do you anticipate being useful for your future work. Add at least 3 more ideas of your own, which complement the information from this group of information sources.
time-saving social media tools
30 Little-Known Features of the Social Media Sites
26 Creative Ways to Publish Social Media Updates
How to Write a Social Media Policy to Empower Employees
How to Create Awesome Online Videos: Tools and Software to Make it Easy





Gamification of the LMS

Please look at our blog entry:

Gamification of the LMS – A Step Towards Evolution of the Modern LMS

my note: article is written for the corporate world, but there is no reason why not apply in higher ed.

While applying gaming in learning content, we create timed quizzes, mazes and other such learning tools, which award the learner points, badges or other collectibles. The same mechanics are employed to embed gamification in our strategy for delivering content. Gamification provides an added incentive for learning, making the process of learning enjoyable through the excitement of built-in gaming elements.

two strongest components that help gaming to deliver effective learning – healthy competition between peers and asense of achievement.

  • Certificates
  • Collectible points that can be redeemed
  • Discounts on new content
  • Expert status
  • Special privileges in the portal
  • Fame on the Social Circuit: Leading professional networking site ‘LinkedIn’ has a popular gamification element that has worked very well among users.

Our WiZDOM LMS v5.0 is a new-age Learning Management System which has the built-in capabilities of gamification to make sure that the learner feels motivated to complete the e-courses and is able to have fun while doing it! But while employing game-based learning within the LMS, a few points need to be kept in mind:

  • Know your audience well
  • Provide real benefits
  • Keep a close eye
  • Keep evolving to make it fun

social media listening strategy

Seven tips to creating a social media listening strategy

  • Conduct a content audit. 
  • Analyze how and where you are sharing your content. Decide where you need to adjust. 
  • Determine your target audience and make sure you listen to them and pay attention to what they’re doing, too. 
  • Monitor for conversations around your brand and industry with online tools and TweetDeck. 
    • Complaints:
    • Praise:
    • Inquiries:
    • Recommendations/referrals:
  • Pay attention to breaking news and leverage your own content appropriately.
  • Join and monitor forums where people are talking about your brand. Respond when appropriate.
  • Don’t be a robot. Listen to your target audience and those who are similar to your brand. Engage with them.

Engaging Students on Social Media

Engaging Students on Social Media

Mark Feltham

Principal Lecturer in Animal Ecology at Liverpool John Moores University

Nice. We use Facebook to teach bioscience undergraduates about statistics 🙂 See e.g.

Also Twitter #doingstatisticsdifferently #statsexpo etc

My own view is that Social Media is an underused tool in HE that provides an excellent medium for providing students with choice in how they learn. It’s enable us to embed and manage flexible pedagogies within our programmes and offer students interesting new ways to learn…particularly in relation to #makered (Maker Education)

See e.g.

ROI of Social Media

Measuring the ROI of Social Media


While measuring social media ROI can be tricky, especially since each company has different goals in mind with their campaigns, here are the key metrics that social media marketers should keep in mind:

1. Reach

2. Value of Increased Traffic

3. Conversion Rate

4. Depth of Engagement

5. Cost

online course design

From the LinkedIn discussion group Higher Education Teaching and Learning


Of course, not all aspects of online course design require a team of specialists, a longer development time, and more funding. Some things can be done quickly, cheaply and by individuals with focused skill sets.

But technology can, when built with a deep understanding of how students learn, meet both of these needs. We can build online courses that provide students with hundreds of opportunities to test their knowledge. Using scientifically-based learning analytics, we can provide each learner with immediate, context-specific feedback. We can build software that constantly responds to each student’s cognitive and educational differences and serves up activities that address these differences.

  • Michael Berta, Ed.D.Michael

    Michael Berta, Ed.D.

    Educator, technologist, researcher, and innovator in edtech, distance education, and faculty development

    “Placing the burden on lone educators with minuscule (or non-existent) funding and who are not hired for their strengths in instructional media development is neither logical, nor fair. But more to the point, it’s a lost opportunity to leverage high-quality course design to drive improvements in learning outcomes.”

    I could not agree more with this statement and the remainder of the article. I’ve long supported an instructional design partnership model where faculty occupy a leading role along with other professionals capable of making the interactions, activities, and rich-media meet the quality needs of an increasingly complex learning environment (and world).

  • Judith

    Judith Killion

    Editor at Individual Basis

    We need to start imagining new models for building, acquiring and sharing instructional media.

    This has always been an issue. My students love activities that provide them with immediate feedback. I spend extra hours building a wide variety of different activities into each Learning module. It takes time and effort and if I am going to address different learning styles that is an entirely different issue. To create effective interactive learning tools that will not waste my students time and will challenge their skill level consumes more time than planning for a face to face class with different activities. I would love to talk to someone-be able to explain what I want my students to learn, suggest a few interactive choices, and come back later to find age related learning activities that fit different learning styles.

  • Alex TolleyAlex

    Alex Tolley

    Owner, MyMeemz

    There is going to be a fight because this model is more like a business product that educators contribute to, rather than own. Perhaps this is the true industrialization of education, replacing the craft model of individual teaching with standardized, high quality product?

  • Maria LaverghettaMaria

    Maria Laverghetta

    Enrollment Advisor – Pearson Embanet

    I have forwarded this article on to members of the course development team within Pearson for their feedback. I am curious to see their impression of the article versus mine, considering I predominantly am a part of recruitment services for Pearson specifically. Within our academic partnerships platform, we do contend with faculty, should they employ our course development team, to this vein because the ownership usually rests with the instructor solely. Editing course content or abridging related material so that it could be received potentially as more either user-friendly or technologically savvy can be a source of major contention with faculty members. I do agree that this is an industrialization of education to an extent, but it also pushes the ownership of traditional education past the instructor, a predominantly sole proprietorship environment, to an completely different team effort. The natural technological growing pains coupled with role expansion and differentiation are also issues needing to be addressed as well.

  • Alex TolleyAlex

    Alex Tolley

    Owner, MyMeemz

    Suppose one was to take this seriously. What might such a course look like – for a subject like Biology? Could it be built on existing LMS platforms, or is a new platform required?

  • Judith

    Judith Killion

    Editor at Individual Basis

    I think that both individual ownership and team collaboration are important to the development of successful online learning. We (hopefully) use the concepts of group and team learning in our classroom environments. We should not be afraid to open ourselves up to some of the positive opportunities that could develop from participating in these practices. It does not mean giving up our ownership of content and presentation. I see it as a marketplace of choice where instructors can decide what kinds of activities, helps, prompts, extra materials, and resources they want to add to their class content. The choices could be categorized by learning styles or how they fit into learning paradigms. I think we must face the reality that some parts of education will have to be more industrialized than others just because of the delivery method. This does not have to be a negative issue if there are enough choices to help instructors develop the rigorous content they want to deliver without sacrificing their entire life to the project.

Social Media Statistics Australia

Social Media Statistics Australia – September 2014

1. Facebook – 13,600,000 users (up 200,000)
2. YouTube – 13,100,000 UAVs
3. – 6,000,000
4. Tumblr – 4,600,000
5. LinkedIn – 3,900,000
6. Blogspot – 3,100,000
7. Twitter – 2,791,300 Active Australian Users (see calculation)
8. Instagram – 2,060,000 Active Australian Users (see calculation)
9. TripAdvisor – 1,650,000
10. Yelp – 1,300,000
11. Tinder – 1,250,000 Australian users (my estimation)
12. Snapchat – 1,070,000 Active Australian Users (see calculation).
13. Flickr – 730,000
14. Pinterest – 370,000
15. Reddit – 160,000
16. MySpace – 150,000
17. Google Plus – approx 60,000 monthly active Australian users (my estimation *revised*)
18. StumbleUpon – 51,000
19. Foursquare – 29,000
20. Digg – 19,500
21. Delicious – 19,000

employment for college graduates

Yesterday, we shared information about the new Coffee App
which offers easy approach to job search.

Please have the following article regarding LinkedIn and their approach to job search

Ranking and Networking

The new Linkedin ranking system ( tracks the success of college graduates in eight broad career paths, adding weight for jobs deemed “desirable.” It lists the top 25 institutions in each career category.

LinkedIn is ranking only a tiny swath of the academy.

LinkedIn also released a social networking application for prospective students to chat with each other about colleges, and to talk with current students.

Coffee (the App)

Looking for a job or internship? Try Coffee

Coffee (the App) Is the Love Child of Tinder and LinkedIn

the idea that it would be useful to build an app with a similar interface to Tinder, but one that was dedicated to networking instead of hooking up.


how to post on social media (and process big information flow)

Behind the Scenes: How I Post on Social Media

Following me on social media means that you are drinking from a fire hose. I subscribe to the “more is more” philosophy of social-media—meaning that I share approximately ten to fifty posts everyday to provide a constant flow of information, analysis, education, and assistance to my followers.

Method 1: I use a service called MyAlltop, which is a personalized subset of, a collection of over 1,500 topics containing more than 30,000 RSS feeds. My MyAlltop web page contains the last five stories from websites and blogs of organizations

I read MyAlltop and other Alltop pages with my Moto X phone, Nexus 7 tablet, or Nexus 10 tablet. Most of the time I’m accessing it while reading in bed or on a stationary bike because I find selecting material to share an enjoyable and easy task.

When I see a headline that interests me, I click through and scan the full story. If I like the story, I launch the Share menu item in Chrome and share it to a Tumblr blog called Help a Socialist Out (HASO) with only three clicks and no typing. I also use a utility called Andmade to further enhance Android’s sharing ability. Sorry iOS users, but I cannot tell you how to do this. I’ve tried to make this happen with iOS 8, and I just can’t do it.



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