Searching for "mobile technology"

Google Mapping Your Campus

Google Mapping Your Campus: A Real-World Writing Project Integrating Mobile Technology and Team-Based Learning

A Real-World Writing Project Integrating Mobile Technology and Team-Based Learning

More on Google Maps in this IMS blog:

Formative Assessment

7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment

Within these methods you’ll find close to 40 tools and tricks for finding out what your students know while they’re still learning.

Entry and exit slips

Exit slips can take lots of forms beyond the old-school pencil and scrap paper. Whether you’re assessing at the bottom of Bloom’s taxonomy or the top, you can use tools like Padlet or Poll Everywhere, or measure progress toward attainment or retention of essential content or standards with tools like Google Classroom’s Question toolGoogle Forms with Flubaroo, and Edulastic,

Low-stakes quizzes and polls: If you want to find out whether your students really know as much as you think they know, polls and quizzes created with Socrative or Quizlet or in-class games and tools like QuizalizeKahoot, FlipQuiz, GimkitPlickers, and Flippity

Dipsticks: So-called alternative formative assessments are meant to be as easy and quick as checking the oil in your car, so they’re sometimes referred to as dipsticks. These can be things like asking students to:

  • write a letter explaining a key idea to a friend,
  • draw a sketch to visually represent new knowledge, or
  • do a think, pair, share exercise with a partner.

Interview assessments: If you want to dig a little deeper into students’ understanding of content, try discussion-based assessment methods. Casual chats with students in the classroom can help them feel at ease even as you get a sense of what they know, and you may find that five-minute interview assessments

TAG feedback 

FlipgridExplain Everything, or Seesaw

Methods that incorporate art: Consider using visual art or photography or videography as an assessment tool. Whether students draw, create a collage, or sculpt, you may find that the assessment helps them synthesize their learning.

Misconceptions and errors: Sometimes it’s helpful to see if students understand why something is incorrect or why a concept is hard. Ask students to explain the “muddiest point” in the lesson—the place where things got confusing or particularly difficult or where they still lack clarity. Or do a misconception check:

Self-assessment: Don’t forget to consult the experts—the kids. Often you can give your rubric to your student

Hottest Edtech Topics for 2022 by ISTE

The Hottest Topics in Edtech for 2022

8. Augmented, mixed and virtual reality
7. Social-emotional learning
6. Equity and inclusion
5. Online tools and apps
4. Distance, online, blended learning
3. Computer science and computational thinking
2. Instructional design and delivery
1. Project-based learning


5 Emerging Technology Trends Higher Ed Is Watching for in 2022

  1. Increased Adoption of Learning Analytics and Adaptive Learning
  2. Growth of Mobile Learning in Higher Ed
  3. Smarter Artificial Intelligence–Powered Tutors
  4. The Rise of Short-Form, Video-Based Learning
  5. Advanced VR and Immersive Learning Technologies

assessment and evaluation of immersive learning

Fegely, A., & S Cherner, T. (2021). A Comprehensive Rubric for Evaluating EduVR. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 20, 137–171.
a gap in the literature by presenting a criterion-referenced, researchsupported rubric for evaluating the quality of educational virtual reality for mobile devices.

Facebok hackers

Facebook Says It’s Your Fault That Hackers Got Half a Billion User Phone Numbers from r/technology

Facebook has become accustomed to dealing with multiple massive privacy breaches in recent years, and data belonging to hundreds of millions of its users has been leaked or stolen by hackers.

Facebook does not plan to notify half-billion users affected by data leak from r/worldnews

The July 2019 FTC settlement requires Facebook to report details about unauthorized access to data on 500 or more users within 30 days of confirming an incident.

The Facebook spokesman declined to comment on the company’s conversations with regulators but said it was in contact to answer their questions.

more on facebook in this IMS blog

AR VR engineering education

Using AR/VR for Innovative Engineering Education

The use of AR/VR in educational settings is on the rise, paving the way for new careers and a workforce trained to embrace technology.

If projections stay on track, the global spending on educational AR/VR is expected to rise from $1.8 billion to $12.6 billion over the next four years.

Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 12.05.19 pm

the International Data Corporation (IDC) released a report indicating that the pandemic has fueled an impressive forecast of worldwide expenditures on AR/VR, which are expected to grow from $12 billion in 2020 to $72.8 billion by 2024.

rom completing spinal surgery to training at a high-tech facility, such as the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Davis Global Center, which has AR/VR and holographic technologies among its many offerings.

University of Hong Kong–Innovation Academy

Home (innoacademy)

MIT–MIT.nano Immersion Lab

the MIT.nano Immersion Lab, an open-access facility for all MIT students, faculty, researchers and external users.

University of Michigan–Augmented Tectonics

Purdue University–Skill-XR

UC Berkeley–InsightXR

more on immersive in this IMS blog

New FCC Chief

New Acting FCC Chief Jessica Rosenworcel Supports Restoring Net Neutrality from r/technology

Rosenworcel has long supported net neutrality, and opposed most Trump FCC policies, be it the steady dismantling of the agency’s consumer protection authority, or efforts to eliminate decades-old media consolidation rules designed to protect public discourse and smaller companies from massive media monopolies.

In 2019, Rosenworcel pressured telecom giants to come clean on their collection and sale of sensitive user location data to third parties, and consumer groups say she’s been a steady advocate of consumer rights throughout her tenure.

Roughly 42 million Americans—double official FCC estimates—lack access to any broadband connection whatsoever. Another 83 million only have the choice of one provider, usually Comcast or Charter. This lack of meaningful competition directly results in high US broadband prices, spotty coverage, and routinely terrible customer service.

more on netneutrality in this IMS blog

Verizon and Unity Tech

  • Verizon and Unity partner to enable new digital experiences ranging from entertainment applications to enterprise toolkits using 5G, mobile edge compute (MEC) and real-time 3D technology.
  • 5G Ultra Wideband and MEC will be a game changer for real-time 3D entertainment content by offering faster speeds, higher bandwidth and ultra low-latency for industries like gaming, retail, sports and more.
  • The companies will also explore how 5G and MEC can enhance real-time 3D enterprise experiences, transforming the way businesses design, build and operate in a real-time economy.

Privacy data ignored by Android iPhone


+++++Under EU law, citizen can demand a copy of all personal data that companies hold about them. However, more than one year after implementation of the new law, most Android and iPhone apps still completely ignore this right, a new study has found. from r/iphone

How do App Vendors Respond to Subject Access Requests? A Longitudinal Privacy Study on iOS and Android Apps
the results of a four-year undercover field study.

Besides a general lack of responsiveness, the observed problems range from malfunctioning download links and authentication mechanisms over confusing data labels and le structures to impoliteness, incomprehensible language, and even serious cases of carelessness and data leakage. It is evident from our results that there are no well-established and standardized processes for subject access requests in the mobile app industry. Moreover, we found that many vendors lack the motivation to respond adequately. Many of the responses we received were not only completely insucient, but also deceptive or misleading. Equally worrisome are cases of unsolicited dissolution of personal data, for instance, due to the

apparently widespread practice of deleting stale accounts without prior notice


New lawsuit: Why do Android phones mysteriously exchange 260MB a month with Google via cellular data when they’re not even in use? from r/technology

more on privacy data in this IMS blog

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