Searching for "mobile technology"

50 Shades of Mobile

50 Shades of Mobile

Smart phones (MLDs)
1.   SMCS Mobile Learning Technology
2.   The Mobile Learning Portal
3.   Learning in Hand
4.   Cybrary Man’s Mobile Learning Page
5.   100 Mobile Tools for Teachers
6.   Breaking the Cell Phone Ban
7.   Go Mobile 4 Learning
8.  Tool for Learning or Distraction?
9.  50+ Tips and Resources
10. Learning2Go
11. iPad Apps Separated by Subject Area
12. iPad/iPod Resources
13. 102 Interesting Ways to Use iPads in the Classroom
14. Middle School iPad Apps
15. iPads in Education Wiki
16. Mobile Learning Integration
17. Apps for Special Needs
18. 50 Resources for iPad use in the Classroom
19. iPad in Education Resources Worth Exploring
20. 39 Sites for Using iPads in the Classroom
21. 32 iPad Tips and Tricks
22. i Educational Apps Review
23. iSchool Initiative
24. Cell phones in Learning
25. The Mobile Native
26. The Mobile Learner
27. Going Mobile
28. Mobile Learning
29. mLearnopedia
30. Mobile ESL
31. Learning in Hand
32. Ubiquitous Thoughts
33. m-learning is good
34. The Mobile Learning Edge
35. @Ignatia Webs
36. K-12 Mobile Learning
37. Mobile Learning 21
38. Float Learning
39. mLearning Trends
40. mLearning: Beyond the Digital Divide
41. The Innovative Educator
42. The m-Learning Revolution
43. Learnlets
44. BYOD in the 21st Century
45. A New Vision for Mobile
46. BYOD Toolbox
47. BYOD “Food For Thought”
48. GoKnow Mobile Learning Videos
49. Thoughts on the State of Mobile Learning
50. Why Mobile Learning

Of Mice and Men: iPads, smartboards and how we acquire technology for education

in the latest news about scandals regarding technology acquisition for schools, it is only fair to ask ourselves:
how much involved do we WANT/NEED to be in the decision making process regarding such timely issue.
How much do we need to educate ourselves on 1. technology? 2. application of technology in education? compatible choices of technology, including performance, prices and brands? Do we discuss such issues or just let people above us and/or elected by us make the choices? What is your opinion?

What is your opinion about open source and alternative mobile devices?

The LA School iPad Scandal: What You Need To Know

LRS and mobile devices: meeting of May 27

Good afternoon,

Tom Hergert, Chris Stanley, Plamen Miltenoff and Marian Rengel discussed various aspects on mobile devices.
It was a great conversation, since we barely touched on technological aspects, but rather brainstormed on how to structure these meetings so most can benefit.
Questions/Issues/Ideas addressed:

how to choose a devices and what to use it for
do/can tablets help you work from home. Similarly to taking a laptop to work at home: how does this reflect on the social stigma of co-workers (“you are not at your office”)
can we expand the conversation beyond LRS and attract more participants by moving the monthly meeting from LRS to any of the coffee shops on campus (iSelf, LRS, Atwood)?
is there a “timer/timing” app, which can help me easily calculate the time was really “busy” with work-related tasks?
the structure of this group: who the we cater to and how
clickers were mentioned

Please feel most welcome to enter your responses to the billeted list above and any other ideas under the following IMS blog entry:

LRS and mobile devices: meeting of May 27

Here are the links to the blog entries from the previous meetings:

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

Mobile Devices for Teaching and Learning: A Discussion

SMUG (smart mobile users’ group)

Contact us and contribute via social media:

IMS blog: (keyword: mobile devices)






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LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…


Please join us for our May meeting to discuss mobile devices, we use at work and privately.
We will meet this coming Tuesday, May 27, 10 AM in MC 205.
Please share your topic/issues preferences, if you have any.
Plamen Miltenoff and Tom Hergert

InforMedia Services


Contact us and contribute via social media:

IMS blog: (keyword: mobile devices)






Google +:


10 technology hallmarks for every campus

10 technology hallmarks for every campus

1. High-speed wireless broadband.

According to the Center for Digital Education’s recent “2013 Yearbook: Technology Innovation in Education,” over 80 percent of education institutions surveyed said that wireless broadband was their “top priority for IT investment.”

2. 24/7 IT support.

We have 24/7 support for emergencies and much of our staff, just like at a hospital, are on call. That’s not a perk for the campus, it’s a necessity.

3. The cloud.

The cloud can also: acquire and implement the latest software and application updates; streamline enrollment and admissions processes; and turn to subscriptions that are scalable and provide options, says Edudemic.

4. Digital textbooks.

Planning for digital textbooks means not only boosting mobile device capabilities on campus, but helping faculty learn to implement digital resources into their course.

5. 21st Century PD for faculty and admin.

From offering a MOOC on classroom management online solutions, to hosting a PD session on Twitter, campus admin should offer multiple options for PD delivery, just like how faculty should offer students multiple options for learning–there’s no better way to teach something than to model it first!

6. MOOCs.

[Read: “3 pros and 3 cons of MOOCs.”]

7. Online course management system.

From sending in-class emails to checking grades, course management systems, like Blackboard, offer faculty and students a fairly intuitive way to manage courses more efficiently.

8. Big Data…

Future-proofing universities are beginning to deploy storage solutions to help manage the unstructured data in physical, virtual and cloud environments. More modern storage solutions are also open source for a high learning curve but low cost.


precautions can range from scanning existing databases on the university’s servers to determine where personal information is located and then, depending on the database, destroy the personal information or add more digital security; as well as put cybersecurity systems through a series of penetration tests to highlight security shortcomings.

[Read: “University data breach prompts ‘top-to-bottom’ IT review.”]

10. Social media done well.

of the major ways campuses use social media well is by serving up both “cake” and “broccoli,” or balancing the content that is important and good for the school (broccoli) and the content that is fun and delicious (cake). “If you share enough cake, your audience will consume the occasional broccoli,” she advises.

Technology Week: Social Media in Teaching and Learning
Top 10 Social Media Management Tools: beyond Hootsuite and TweetDeck

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

Please join us in exploring our mobile devices.

Minutes from the April 23, 2014 meeting

Pamela, Greg, Rachel and Plamen met at 3pM in MC 205 and discussed:

  • ebooks
  • different OS and gadgets – iOS, Windows Surface, Android Galaxy, Kindle
    the differences. We determined that it is up to the user which one she/he prefers.
  • what can be frustrating
    Android – more difficult to organize. For an novice it is more difficult
  • WIndows Surface come with Office and Surface has a mouse pointer and USB port, which makes easy connect external mouse.
  • Pamela will buy different types of dongles (USB, VGA) for iOS, Android Galaxy and WIndows and they will be available to loan from the dean’s office.
  • Siri, consensus on the poor quality. Cortana on WIndows is to be seen. Somebody on campus using Siri to text. Google Now is the Siri equivalent.
  • Google Glass. waste of money? it has potential thought. battery is very limited. we are not sure if it connects to iPAD
  • meet once a month. ask what worked from the last group and what didn’t to determine what can be discussed. Carol Rose has an app for passwords. How many people do NOT have access to a mobile device. What people do here, work related stuff (email, notes, calendar).  A coordinator of this group monitoring free apps and suggesting to be tested in LRS. List from the former group with the apps for iOS, Android, Windows.

Log in your questions, suggestions and helpful information.

Plamen Miltenoff and Tom Hergert

InforMedia Services

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Technology Instruction week: Digital Initiatives

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