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technology trends in education

My college’s data network is on fleek! Supporting devices, connectivity, and coverage for the ultimate compliment.

We wanted to provide you with access to watch the virtual presentation on-demand so you have the chance to get the same valuable information our attendees received.

Link to the presentation: ct_corning_webcast_slidedeck briggs devices wifi

Click here to watch this special presentation to get a strategic view of how your institution can best support educational technology imperatives today and into the future.

This exclusive presentation will only be available for a limited time! Watch it today.

Sponsored By: Corning and Vision This presentation will be available to audience members until Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific Standard Time. The challenge is supporting device needs, and anticipating future demand. Network infrastructure is a simple way to solve for today and tomorrow. This webinar will review mobility trends, connectivity requirements and converged fiber networks for cellular, Ethernet and Wi-Fi needs.

Rick Baldasare from Vision Technologies (240) 319-1700

graphs with data from universities. Global IP will increase threefold over the next five years.
QoS (Quality of Service)
Mobile as the Norm of User Access> Cloud asa the Norm of Back Access

Ron Wells: Corning (913) 706-4135

PON: Passive Optical Networks

Optical DAS

educational technology and faculty development

Educational Technology and Faculty Development in Higher Education

 The Potential of Mobile Devices for Teaching and Learning

Despite the near ubiquity of student laptops and smartphones, in-class BYOD is still an emerging practice.

Educational Technology Engaging Students: bookstores, ebooks and cost for students

From Books to Bytes: How Educational Technology is Engaging Students and Enhancing Learning

Sponsored By: VitalSource
This presentation will begin on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 11:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time.

moderated by Linda Briggs

David Kent Director VOLSHOP (official bookstore) U of Tennessee, Knoxville
Lisa Kiefer, Managing Director Wakefield ResearchCindy Clarke Vice President Marketing, Vital Source Technologies

stats from presentation available here: or

methodology: 519 students from 4 years college and u/s

close to what keynote speaker at MN eSummit 2015 shared David Wiley, MN Learning Commons

students want formally taught life skills: interview for a job, balance checkbook and do taxes, how to take out and pay for student loans

traditional 4 year school. cost is part of the program, not charged as a course fee. all materials avaiable first day of school and available in perpetuity. way below rental books prices. via LMS (BB). no printed textbooks. few books through websites, for books, which do not subscribe for the program. ebooks offered at the store. increasing titles selection. cost, learning outcomes. the outlook for digital in the future: already digital, but open for further development. expand courses offered, launching more programs with materials bundled and online course.
digital is easier to work with, deliver to customer,
business partnership (this is different now from David Wiley, MN Learning Commons). working closely with provost, cio, vital source. working with publishers to make sure that content is available>
business model: program bundle all the content and deliver to students and advertise periodically to students
the course fee model: charged to student account semester by semester bases. also student-paid method. all access model is better for everyone.

ebooks are important for the interactivity, collaboration

Q and As:
what was the students’ reaction moving to digital books. how traditional faculty are accepting the change. A: pilot group of several faculty and gradual roll out. early adopters influencing others.
does the content open on all devices? A: yes, device-agnostic. dedicated apps for iOS, Android, and Windows
disability? A: enhanced apps, migrate all PDF format to proprietory platform. epub and PDF content. user added epub content. Center for accessible material innovation, American Foundation for the blind, Tech for All etc
libraries do not provide course materials for students. clean division between campus store and library
BB admin is loading the codes in the LMS, but the idea is to load the information straight into BB. cio in charge. helpdesk support for vital provided by the cio department.
cost savings in percent for students digital to print. student pay model, ebooks can vary to new book price. ebooks even more expensive. with the course fee, 70% off rental. 3rd party operator may add 30%.  all parties must be looking for reasonable margin. greater digital adoption results in lower costs for students.

digital alleviates dropout rate.

what course which don’t fit digital materials. life sciences and mathematics, science and engineering is landing itself well

how much interactive content and links to social media is incorporated.


Of Mice and Men: iPads, smartboards and how we acquire technology for education

in the latest news about scandals regarding technology acquisition for schools, it is only fair to ask ourselves:
how much involved do we WANT/NEED to be in the decision making process regarding such timely issue.
How much do we need to educate ourselves on 1. technology? 2. application of technology in education? compatible choices of technology, including performance, prices and brands? Do we discuss such issues or just let people above us and/or elected by us make the choices? What is your opinion?

What is your opinion about open source and alternative mobile devices?

The LA School iPad Scandal: What You Need To Know

Teachers on Pinterest – A Great Resource for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Teachers on Pinterest – A Great Resource for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Videos Explaining BYOD for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Excellent Videos Explaining BYOD for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning:

Bring Your Own Device/Technology is an initiative meant to increase students learning opportunities through technology.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

A Resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators

conferences and related events regarding technology in education

Looking to attend and/or present at appropriate event regarding technology in education?
Please have a tentative list below.
Do you know an event, which is worth presenting/attending? Please contribute!

by Barry Dahl (Greg Jorgensen) - link to a list of conferences regarding e-learning:

campus technology conf. - boston -
educause - anaheim – October -
devlearn las vegas – October -
dist. learning - ann arbor -- ??
iste (intl soc. tech ed)  july – Atlanta -
aect (assoc education communications and tech) - oct 29 - 2 nov, Anaheim -
ascd (assoc of supervision and curricular dev) - november 1 - 3, las vegas -
salt (soc. of applied learning and tech) - august 14 - 16, reston, VA -
National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms  - august - u of m -
D2L Fusion - july – Nashville –
Sloan c - november disney world, florida -
QM - october 1-4, Nashville -
distance teaching and learning - madison - august 7 – 9 -
LERN  - san fran. - nov. 21 – 23 -

CCUMC – october 9-13 – Chicago –

The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

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