Archive of ‘technology’ category

facebook live

By October 10, 2016

#1: Start With Your Smartphone Budget: Free!

If you go to the Facebook Live Map and browse the live feeds, you’ll often see people talking about nothing in particular, with unflattering close-up camera angles and scratchy audio. People often shift their phones from hand to hand when they tire of holding them, and brush the mic without realizing it.

#2: Invest in a Mobile Phone Setup Budget: $150-$300

iPhone Setup When choosing a mount for an iPhone, consider the iOgrapher ($60), shown below. Attach the 37mm wide angle lens ($40) if you want to get more people or surroundings in the video.
Android and Windows Phone Setup The Saramonic SmartMixer ($149) fits any phone (including the iPhone) and incorporates both audio and video stabilization in one piece of gear. The mics are stereo, and you can angle them however you want to capture multiple people talking.

#3: Broadcast From Your Desktop

Budget: Free-$600  Going live from your computer allows you to bring in guests to interview, add pre-recorded video, graphics, titles (so people know who the hosts are), and more.

You can use the built-in camera on your computer or a USB camera, like the Logitech C920 ($99).

OBS OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is open-source software, which means it’s available for free.

OBS is a great option, but it doesn’t have all of the bells and whistles of paid software to make it intuitive or easy to use. You’ll need to do a bit of setup and testing before you go live.

Wirecast Wirecast ($495) has been around for years and has come a long way in the last few months as Facebook Live has exploded in popularity. The interface is a little more intuitive than OBS, but still requires some setup and experimentation.

#4: Build a Dedicated Studio Setup

Budget: $3,000-$30,000

more on Facebook Live in this IMS blog

video for social media

these tools useful for hybrid and online learning

By October 19, 2016

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark Video is an elegant, easy-to-use tool for creating animated videos that tell a story. It’s available as a browser-based cloud app or as an iOS app. You can get it as a single app or install the 3-in-1 tool to access the Spark Post and Spark Page companion apps too.

What’s great about Spark Video is that it’s quick. You can create a compelling animated video story in just minutes without any design experience, and work on your project from anywhere. As a cloud-based tool, your progress is saved and synced automatically, so you can work on it on mobile or desktop whenever creative inspiration strikes.


Now let’s look at a tool that’s similar to Adobe Spark, but gives you more flexibility over your content. Animoto is an affordable, cloud-based tool that offers an assortment of choices and customizations to create a one-of-a-kind video to tell your brand’s story.

This tool gives you a little more control than Adobe Spark Video. You can start with a blank canvas (choosing your own colors, styles, and frames to more closely match your brand) or adapt one of the tool’s wide variety of templates.

YouTube Director

YouTube Director is a revolutionary tool to create video ads for business. Geared toward small local businesses, it’s a foolproof way to tell a compelling story in a short format.

As you follow the prompts, you’re guided to capture images, video, and voiceovers. Then you can post the video and run a video ad campaign on YouTube.


more on video and social media in this IMS blog:

technology courses for educators

курсове по технологии за преподаватели

Курс 1. Въведение в образователни технологии

Прогнози за образователни технологии:

описание на курса

Този онлай асинхронен курс цели въвеждането на преподаватели и администратори в огромното и сложно разнообразие на технологични теми в образованието. Чрез дискусии и групови упражнения, ще се фокусираме върху изграждането на знания и умения, както и на успешни прфесионални практити в образованието. Целта на курса е да изгради разбиране относно основни понятия и концепции, както и разбиране относно успешното прилагане на различни технически средства в учебния процес и тяхната организация в различни учебни програми.
Курсът е също така включва преглед на най-новите тенденции в технологиите и дискусии относно възможно и целесъобразно използване в образованието. Цел на курса е да предостави възможност на участниците да търсят рабиране и използване на Уеб 2.0 и Уеб 3.0 от степен на фамилиарност до експертно ползване, както и използване на социални медии, мултимедии и интерактвност Едновременно, паралелно с обучението за използване на тези технологии ще се водят дискуссии за  тяхното въздейстие върху училищния живот и ролята на учителите и администрацията.
Особено внимание ще се отдели на значението и способността да се развият и поддържат учбни планове и административни документи, които да отговарят на постоянно променящия се технологичен свят. Спомагателни, но не по малко важни теми като правни въпроси, авторски права, етични въпроси и подобни въпроси относно цифрово гражданство (digital citizenship) ще бъдат обсъдени



more on technology courses for educators in this IMS blog

quizzes and learning

Studying With Quizzes Helps Make Sure the Material Sticks

more on quizzes and learning and memory in this IMS blog

first snow in 360

Well, technically not the first for 2016, but certainly beautiful:

Best experience with VR goggles: Google Cardbox, HTC Vive etc. (please ask for more info if needed). If you have goggles, choose “VR Mode” (1), if viewing on your computing device (desktop, laptop, smart phone, tablet) and/or don’t have goggles, choose “Panorama Mode” (2)

Virtual Reality


If you would like to brainstorm ideas to apply Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and/or 360 video in your courses, please let us know…

signal open whisper system

signal app
open whisper system is the company
download from the NPR Marketplace Tech available here:

More on the app in the Codebreaker podcast

more on cybersecurity in this blog:
More on civil disobedience in this blog:


visualization of cyberattacks

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Create Data Visualization Tool to Identify Cyber Attacks

By Rhea Kelly 11/07/16

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University‘s CyLab Security and Privacy Institute have developed a new tool for analyzing network traffic and identifying cyber attacks. The tool uses data visualization to make it easier for network analysts to see key changes and patterns generated by distributed denial of service attacks, malware distribution networks and other malicious network traffic.

presented the tool last week at the IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cybersecurity in Baltimore, MD.

more on cybersecurity in this IMS blog

hacking voting

A Voice Cuts Through, and Adds to, the Intrigue of Russia’s Cyberattacks

more on Eastern European hackers in this IMS blog:

Google AI

Google Researchers Create AI That Builds Its Own Encryption


Alice and Bob have figured out a way to have a conversation without Eve being able to overhear, no matter how hard she tries.

They’re artificial intelligence algorithms created by Google engineers, and their ability to create an encryption protocol that Eve (also an AI algorithm) can’t hack is being hailed as an important advance in machine learning and cryptography.

Martin Abadi and David G. Andersen, explained in a paper published this week that their experiment is intended to find out if neural networks—the building blocks of AI—can learn to communicate secretly.

As the Abadi and Anderson wrote, “instead of training each of Alice and Bob separately to implement some known cryptosystem, we train Alice and Bob jointly to communicate successfully and to defeat Eve without a pre-specified notion of what cryptosystem they may discover for this purpose.”

same in German

Googles AI entwickelt eigenständig Verschlüsselung

von – 31.10.2016
Google-Forscher Martin Abadi und David G. Andersen des Deep-Learning-Projekts “Google Brain” eine neue Verschlüsselungsmethode entwickelt beziehungsweise entwickeln lassen. Die Forscher haben verschiedene neurale Netze damit beauftragt, eine abhörsichere Kommunikation aufzustellen.

more on AI in this IMS blog:

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