Archive of ‘video editing’ category

Technology Instruction available free

Spring 2016 technology Sessions available

Student’s relationship with technology is complex. They recognize its value but still need guidance when it comes to better using it for academics.

Educause’s ECAR Study, 2013

InforMedia Services

IMS faculty would be happy to meet with you or your group at your convenience.
Please request using this Google Form: or
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Services we provide:

  • Instruct and collaborate with faculty, staff and students on specific computer, Cloud and mobile applications
  • Assist faculty in course design and instruction to incorporate SCSU’s resources
  • Join faculty in the classroom instructional design to assist students with learning technology application for the class
  • Consult with faculty on instructional design issues, particularly those that use the World Wide Web, multimedia techniques and interactivity
  • Collaborate with faculty, staff and students on technology-related projects
  • Work with campus units in technology planning and acquisition
  • Respond to faculty, staff and students requests and technology developments


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Link to the IMS Satisfaction Survey:

video for mobile users

Content May Be King, But Branded Video Content Rules Marketing Tactics

According to a study by Cisco:

  • The number of mobile-connected devices exceeded the world’s population in 2014 and by 2019 there will be nearly 1.5 mobile devices per capita
  • By 2019, more than half of all devices connected to the mobile network will be “smart” devices.
  • Mobile video viewing was responsible for 55% of total mobile data traffic in 2014 and 72% of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video by 2019.


Pizza Hut’s “Danger of Self Sticks PSA” which has been viewed nearly 4 million times on YouTube as well as Vooza’s “Startup Class” video

  1. Start with the audience. Figure out who you’re trying to reach with your content and then reverse engineer from there. For example, we like going after Apple because Apple fans are so insane about their products.
  1. Expect to roll out a lot of content consistently over time. It takes a while to build up an audience.
  1. Get an email list going–it’s still the best way to reach fans.
  1. Answer this question: “Why would people want to share this?” Because if people don’t share it organically, it probably won’t go far. For example, designers love sharing this CEO video with each other because they can all relate to the know-it-all CEO who thinks he/she knows best how to design a logo.
  1. The more heavy-handed you are with the sales pitch, the less likely people are to share it. Let the funny lead the way whenever possible.
  1. Don’t be so fearful to push people’s buttons. Have some edge. Make fun of people. HBO is great because there are no advertisers who say, “Don’t say that.”
  1. Find your intersection. What’s the thing that you can make that no one else can? That’s your island. For Vooza, it’s funny plus tech.
  1. Make it findable. Think about how people search for things online and get into that stream with the right headlines, keywords, etc.

Video Storytelling in Social Media Marketing

Video Storytelling in Social Media Marketing

#1: Post Stories From Your Customers

#2: Create a Fictional Series

#3: Tell Personal Stories

#4: Shoot Documentary-Style Video

#5: Interview Guests

#6: Take Viewers Behind the Scenes

#7: Create Animated Stories

#8: Show Viewers How to Do Something

Other Stories to Tell With Video

There are a lot of interesting ways to integrate storytelling into your social videos. In addition to those featured above, here are some other stories that are well suited for video:

  • Create a single video or a series of videos to highlight humorous situations related to your business or industry.
  • If your company’s beginnings would make an interesting story, have the founder tell that story on video.
  • Are your employees involved in interesting activities or challenges? Consider featuring those stories in your social videos.
  • Tell a fictional but realistic story on video to educate viewers about your industry.
  • Find a way to combine reality TV–style video with something relevant to your audience.

Academy of distinguished teachers

Academy of distinguished teachers, Innovation

University of Minnesota, McNamara Alumni Center – Twin Cities Campus. April 8, 2015

Full program available here:

Randy Bass

Randy Bass

Randy Bass

flipping disruption into Design

there are two type of universities: the ones that are in control of change and the ones, which are pressed to change.

what kind of education is needed at this moment of history.
Assumptions: 5-10 years will be for a first time outcompeted in terms of delivering information and degrees. What is that the university can do distinctively well that WWW cannot do: mentored learning and the arc of learning (beyond collection of granular separate learning)

book: The New Division of Labor.
External forces of potential disruption: 1. MOOCs, nearly free education, 2. skilled-based learning (Codeacademy, Udacity), 3. data analytic 4. public pressure on access, metrics of impact.

Gartner group ( hype cycle : overvalued in a short term and undervalued in a long term. MOOC is excellent example.
NMC: competing models of education.

learning analytics. adaptive learning, intelligent tutoring etc. Open Learning Initative.

In the 19th century, railroads companies which were in the business of railroad companies went under; the ones which were in the business of transportation survived. Parallel, universities, which are in the business of delivering information will die out; the ones, which will survive must look to a very different picture.

formative wider outcomes

formative wider outcomes

integration and dis-integration

integration and dis-integration

the white light

high impact integrative curriculum

high impact integrative curriculum

what makes high inpact practices high impact

what makes high inpact practices high impact

formal versus informal

formal versus informal

integrative versus disintegrative

Selected sessions:


The Value of Assessing Outcomes of Teaching Methodologies to guide instructional design

game-based learning:

Upping your Game – Best Practices in Using Game-Based Learning

Implementing Game Dynamics in Moodle


Engaging Students through Video Integration

Innovative Options for Recording Your Own Course Videos

Using Flipgrid Video Commentary to Share Student Learning


Enhancing learning with online narrated presentations using VoiceThread


Essential Technology & Tools for Flipping Your Classroom

Improving Delivery of Technical Course Content through Incremental Use of Classroom “Flipping”

Flipping our classrooms: Faculty from UMD’s Flipped Classroom Community of Practice sharing their experiences.

The Pros and Cons of Flipping the Classroom

Using Google Forms for Student Group Evaluations


The University Libraries Partnership for Affordable Content – Enhance Student Learning and Save Them Money!

CRS Tophat:

Using Classroom Debates as an Interactive Learning Tool in a Course on Companion Animal Ethical Issues



Adapting the Harvard Case Method for Online Courses

Readiness Assessment for Online Courses


technology showcase

technology showcase general view

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